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 Sep 2017
I am Born
For whatever reasons Born seemed to be the most appropriate name
Camouflage or not, I don't know
Don't  bother asking  where am from
cause earth is round and we are all on it
With different stories
heavenly or earthly, it is what it is

When am gone
I want you to remember me as a friend
a friend who opened up to you
Good  evil, bad or worse
I am a friend who found peace in poetry

when am gone
I want you to say that
He liked to call his poems pieces
Pieces symbolized that it could mean anything
It could be
a piece of art
a Piece of love
a Piece of ache
Or a Piece of life  

When am gone
My words and my heart will be Stapled here
 Sep 2017
how better
to spend the day while
she sleeps peacefully
but listening to music

the Beatles
in particularly.
Catching a glimpse

of her beautiful
does she dream of me

when I hear
Good Day Sunshine
I ache

to wake her up
 Sep 2017
Lora Lee
         I feel a well
                   dug deep
         into my heart
  I try to stop it
but it quickly
becomes ocean
  and overflows  
     into great tsunami
          rises over all the levees
             rushes past dams                  
               breaks down tall
                   city structures,
              edifices crumbling
           in its path
     all the squid and octopi
    skitting forth
in wild pulses,
tentacles entangled
     in doorways and rooves
        slipping through narrow
                   as they pour ink
                       in clouds,
                         shifting shapes
                          in cephalopod excitement
                            while blue whales
                            and humpbacks
                               breach over bridges,
                             phosphorescent jellies
                          light up
                       the dark streets of
                      my arteries
                     electric eels illuminate
                    the alleyways of
                   desolation's thick syrup
                     and I cannot stop it even
                            if I wanted to,
                   these darkened,
                     swirling waves
I am both floating and flying
like a jumping manta ray
curling around the ferries
bobbing in seahorse iridescence
weaving between buses
as if they were corals

And when the storm subsides,
colorful rockpools form,
rich in diversity
It is there,
in between the
multicolored ***** and
succulent shellfish,
in a mermaid's
       voluptuous smile
and turquoise eye
that I see you,
so crystal clear
                I could reach out              
                      and bring you to me,          
                         holding you tight
                         until the
                gentle break
 Sep 2017
Skye Marshmallow
Hidden beneath ivy covered walls, Behind an heavy oak door,
Lies a secret smile,
Waiting, and waiting,
To see the sun again.
 Sep 2017
I write of love and strength

like I know what they are

but I'm still like a child

looking up thinking satellites are stars

So much going on below the surface
The deep blue sea alive with activity
Constant to and fro
Life moving by
Darkness far reaching beneath deep blue sky
Illumination under murky depths
Some things yet to be discovered
It's no wonder when we are deep we can feel blue
Carried along with the waves
Will we meet clearer calmer waters
Right now
Float in this moment
Learn to go with the flow..
 Sep 2017
Pagan Paul
Silver charms on an anklet ******
as her foot stamps down once,
crossed dainty in front of the other,
and her hands start a slow ascent.
From hips up into the air
in the nonchalant action of the flame,
arcing a half circle about her waist
she turns to face the assembled crowd.

A tabla starts a sleepy beat
and the sitar player awakens,
or returns from a meditation,
readying himself for his introduction,
to blend a melody of the Moon
with the woven movements of dance.
The beat increases and four taps
signal a change in the rhythm.
The following note is punctuated
by the tinkling of the charms
and the first strum of the sitar,
sending music to the starry sky.

And her hips sway in gentle waves
as her hands mimic the lotus flower
in cups of dreams above her head,
and the anklets jangle a soothing sound.
The wrists twist and move graceful,
delightfully twinned with the neck of a swan,
and her body sways like a leaf in the wind
to the melody from ages past.

The tabla starts a frantic beat
as the sitar player lets fly,
his new unrestrained chords
dilute the night with ecstasy.
And she dances in her trance,
skin shining with the dew of reflected joy,
her lithe body telling the story
that began before the dawn of time.
A crescendo summons the dance to end
and silence fills the void,
but far into the deep dark night
silver charms on an anklet ******.

© Pagan Paul (01/09/17)
An evening spent in the Rajasthan desert in a nomads camp,
with the stunningly beautiful Jaiselmer sandstone fort in the
background changing colour as the sun set in the west.
 Sep 2017
Autumn Rose
Dance swiftly, my briar rose,
for in autumns lament you shall not seek repose

Cry bitterly,  my willow tree,
for the silver haired maid is long lost at sea

Sing serenely, my morning stars,
for the poetic moon is no longer ours

... Hear my whispers in the dark ...
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