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M y love is like a red, red rose
Y oung with the dew-kissed promises of spring.

L aden with unique perfume,
O n a slender stalk it blooms
V ery near the edge of a sunlit garden,
E ndlessly transforming but always the same.

I  offer you this rose in hopes that
S someday fields of them will shine.

L oving you turns ugly weeds
I nto rare exotic blossoms that
K iss the summer breezes with their scent
E ven as they wither and turn brown.

A bsolute perfection is my love and this red flower.

R each out and touch this rose I offer-
E very thorn is gentle and not sharp-
D o  not fear of hurt from it.

R ather fill your senses with the joy of it,
E ndlessly fresh within your hand, and never
D ying, only changing to become more sweet.

R eceive this gift I bring to you and
O nly let me be that rose
S o  that my soul lies in your hand and heart for all
E ternity.
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The title comes from a traditional folk song.  The rest of it comes from me.
 Apr 2017
Butch Decatoria
Saxophone evening

Violins, the sallow glow.

Windows watching Night..
when tears are in eyes
I focus on beautiful Earth
Sun, flowers and you

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
When you're down and out
focus on Earth Sun, Ocean
open like a bridge

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
 Apr 2017
Butch Decatoria
Lucid the nascent

Sleep : deep dark subconscious minds

Water-birthing dreams.
 Apr 2017
Butch Decatoria
Idyllic Kingfisher
Your plumage stills seas to bliss,
Blushing midnight Suns.
 Apr 2017
Butch Decatoria
The Path is cobbled
With Our Rites of Passages.
Must break to know heart...
 Apr 2017
eyes of ocean blue
grayed by darken skies cry rain
drown in flooding waves
a storm of sad thoughts
 Apr 2017
K Balachandran
bee pecks on bloom's lips
acting coy, she turns away,
slyly eyes him once.
 Apr 2017
K Balachandran
****** summer
sun has his way with the hills
that look drained, panting.
 Apr 2017
K Balachandran
On spread palm fronds, wind
trumpets monsoon's onset loud,
await fireworks soon!
Relaxing rain sounds
clear weeping eyes silently
in meditation

~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
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