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 Oct 2016
Emily Dickinson

Those fair—fictitious People—
The Women—plucked away
From our familiar Lifetime—
The Men of Ivory—

Those Boys and Girls, in Canvas—
Who stay upon the Wall
In Everlasting Keepsake—
Can Anybody tell?

We trust—in places perfecter—
Inheriting Delight
Beyond our faint Conjecture—
Our dizzy Estimate—

Remembering ourselves, we trust—
Yet Blesseder—than We—
Through Knowing—where We only hope—
Receiving—where we—pray—

Of Expectation—also—
Anticipating us
With transport, that would be a pain
Except for Holiness—

Esteeming us—as Exile—
Themself—admitted Home—
Through easy Miracle of Death—
The Way ourself, must come—
 Oct 2016
Liam Haldek
They deceive us
When they say
"Hold onto your dreams,
Never let them go."

Because they never
Tell us what to do
When you dream
An Impossible Dream.

Such a dream
Can never occur,
Not because you lack the ability,
But because it would defy reality.

Some can learn to let go
Of such dreams.
Yet the cursed who cannot
Live tortured lives of unfulfillment.

So tell me now,
You elderly, supposedly wise:
What am I to do
With my Impossible Dream?
It's almost funny how many people see this poem, then tell me to still not give up.
 Oct 2016
Nico Allentine
That appears to be part and parcel with this human incarnation
My ego cuts ME off with no oxygen
I? Flail and wail like a child whose lost his mother
A fish in a world meant for another species entirely
I dissolve, evolve and transcend my shape to embrace
Not only you but the I in you and the you in me and the never-ending connectivity of human consciousness.
Awaken and its as if I've fallen into a nightmare, a terror so vivid
More real than reality.
Alas it is reality and I am awake and dead
And so are you.
Though still alive, ironically in loss of a body
I feel my connection, my mother, my father, my familia in the plants.
With the animals.
With the humans and their complex struggle
Divided always , but entirely one within themselves
The world at large
When disengaged from ego, re-engaged with the World Soul
The loving awareness that you really are
Always was and will always be
Forever and ever
Completely not reliant on any outside forces.
In the sense of the verb as well as the noun.
When disengaged from ego, re-engaged with the World Soul.
 Oct 2016
Lora Lee
There is a kinetic  c e l e b r a t i o n
throughout the entire universe--
both known and unknown;
  each molecule a universe to itself-

a world interconnected;
of sub-atomic celebrators
filling all time and space
perpetually valuing value itself

who, at its prime core
is in itself
the self-celebration
of hope/value= Love- (tagline) #healing

    and it is everywhere.
                  Yet, we.. are unaware.

Loving words
  (all that is real)
align with the celebration-
   of the kinetic-heal

and they pick up the magic
(the receivable rendition)
allowed into the receiver
through the act of volition

and suddenly we become aware.


I am  melting  into   you--

and in the blend   of us
I am finding   the
c l a r i fi c ation      of me--  a
process  until today

I never believed in.

Once rolling alone
I am finding
the word  h o m e
in everything  
    that     you do

    e v er y- t h i n g.
                              -by paulSN
This is not my poem but by my friend, Paul, who you knew as paulSN, with this message to you all:

Written on 10/03/16 and cast into the universe-- a love-note of encouragement.. to all.
Peace **
 Oct 2016
Emily Dickinson

As old as Woe—
How old is that?
Some eighteen thousand years—
As old as Bliss
How old is that
They are of equal years

Together chiefest they ard found
But seldom side by side
From neither of them tho’ he try
Can Human nature hide
 Oct 2016
Ma Cherie
My love is like a river
as raging water flows
love me in the morning
to see which way it goes.

Cherie Nolan© 2016
 Oct 2016
Nathan Wilson
Is there something wrong with me?
People say I'm crazy.
I hear voices in my head,
They tell me what to do,
They tell me what to say.
They tell me just how to make it through the day.
Sometimes I wish them gone.
But without them it's kind of lonely.
People say it's unholy.
But I just talk to the voices.
A conversation in my head,
is better than the tears I'd shed.
If I listened to the world outside the confines of my mind.
 Oct 2016
Emily Dickinson

Could mortal lip divine
The undeveloped Freight
Of a delivered syllable
’Twould crumble with the weight.
 Oct 2016
underneath the rain and thunder
covered by a muck that cumbers
colors never come out from under
smothered by the other hungers
I wrote this some time back, but I decided to repost it to remind myself why I am quitting drinking.
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