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 May 2016
Mike Hauser
Are you as surprised as I to find
That Kim Kardashian is a international spy

But don't worry she's on the side of right
Working this time for the good guys

The pics that this twit tweets
Is spinning turbans around in the Middle East

Corrupting the minds of the men and their youth
As they google eye over what she let's loose

Though Miss K. is not the one to blame
It's mainly the fault of Uncle Sam

She's just doing her civic duty
In the posting of selfies in her birthday suity

I've had suspensions for years believe you me
The Kim isn't as dumb as she appears to be
Just heard that Iran has accused Kim Kardashian of being a spy...
Who knew!
 May 2016
Virianna Gallardo
Do you remember

When you used to look up to me?

I do.

I remember the nights we spent

Countless hours and miles

Walking holes into the bottoms of our flip flops

Stars above and concrete below

We pounded pavement

Dim street lights as our North Star

We didn't know where we were going

Just that the night was as young as we were

That time was slipping through our fingers

Like grains of sand clenched in fists

I can't hold on to those times anymore

And I'm so scared to lose you

I'm so scared those memories will wash away

I never want to forget

The countless nights we spent in the back of cars

Racing down the highway




Trying to be ****** up on anything but our sorrows

I'm so scared for the future

I don't want us to drift apart anymore

I remember when we used to say "I love you" before we hung up

Now I feel like it's a race to hang up first

I never want to win that race.

Now you hang up as I say "I love"

As if you don't want to be the "you" at the end of that sentence

Maybe you just don't believe it anymore

Maybe I don't do enough to prove it

Please tell me what I can do

Tell me how I can fix this

 May 2016
Sk Abdul Aziz
I had met tears by chance
I can't recall how or when it all started
My heart felt sick
My eyes just surrendered to this weird feeling
Water coming out
Slowly rolling down my cheeks
Gently caressing them
A little bit of it seeping through into my mouth
At first it kinda' stung me
A salty taste settling on my tongue
After a while though i got used to it
But little had i imagined at that point of time that these tears....
....these precious little diamonds would become my best friends
Now they have become more than friends
We are in fact soulmates now
Destined to be together
Whenever i need them they are always there for me...
....without fail they always come to my rescue
Whenever the strain on my soul gets too much
More often than not my eyes just let loose
And i give in to this weird and yet powerful feeling
 May 2016
I am with wonderful heavenly abilities,
I just forgot how to fly.

I am with the gaping loneliness in my life,
I just do not belong here.

I do a partner who understands me fully,
I just want that someone.
A self-dedication

My HP Poem #1072
©Atul Kaushal
 May 2016
Maple Mathers

Dear Mother and Father,*

        I spoke with Ali today. Maybe it was the first time in years. Maybe it was the first time that we’d ever actually spoken at all. Either way. She told me some things that I thought you should know.

Prostitutes, ******, what have you. They’re not born, they’re created.

         Focus on this. Your white picket fence. Your barbecue, your big family dog. Your pristine, rich neighborhood. Your uppity gossip. Your rules, judgements, “charity.”

         Behind your closed doors, however, dwells something else.

         Something like hypocrisy. Something like abuse.

Now focus on this.

         Ali: dark and brooding, even as a small child. Questioning all of your family values, the ones that I had merely accepted.

         My little sister, the ultimate judge, the supreme *****.

         Forbidden black fingernails, black hair; fingernails, which you forced pink, hair that you insisted blond. Friends that you deemed “greasy” and “unsavory”.

         Hateful, teenage Ali. Ditching classes to go off with boys. Returning home with track marks and glossy eyes. Sneaking out with no destination, if only to not be at the one place she couldn’t be herself.


Now, this. That awful “it’s not to late to save your soul” camp. A reform jail. Holier than thou epithets. Squeaky clean repentance. A stockade full of higher authority telling her, “you’re wrong,” telling her, “we are going to fix you.”

         Brain washing robots with backhanded facades.

         Sad, scared Ali. It’s no wonder she chose to rebel, for all she knew of authority was hypocrisy.

         Not just you.

         Instead, a withered, sick janitor.

         The old man who brought her the food that they didn’t serve in the dinning quarters. Fresh fruit, chocolate, and cheese. Food to outweigh the everyday gruel.

         This lonely, forlorn man expecting compensation in return. ****** compensation; unimaginable and certainly ungodly acts.

         This Janitor, he would wander into Ali's room in the early hours of the morning. . . And vanish, several hours later.

        His pockets, empty. His heart, full.

         In this sick and twisted world, the janitor believed that love could exist anywhere. He believed that romantic relationships should not be constricted by something as trivial as age.

         And Ali, she had alternative motives, and compensated her innocence to reach them.

         This was, perhaps, the beginning of Ali's stark career.

         The *compensation of her soul.

         Or, perhaps, it was the man that picked her up next, as a desperate hitchhiker.

         Ali, who finagled the nun’s keys and escaped that ungodly place forever.

         Ali, who climbed into a sinister car with a pretentious man who warped her in more ways than one would even imagine.

         Penniless, solitary, and willing.

         But, think. What would you do with yourself if you had absolutely nothing and no one to lose?

         **Prostitutes, ******, what have you. They’re not born, they’re created.
(All poems original Copyright of Eva Denali Will © 2015, 2016)

 May 2016
Gwen Johnson
On this map
This representation of an area
I marked 2 spots
One was me and the other was you
I ran my finger along the route between us
Telling myself that there was nothing in the way
Only a little space
There's a way from point A to point B
Nothing could get between us
Except for you were unmoving
And I was stuck
We are 2 separate areas on a map
But I was foolish enough to see the routes between us
And feel connected
 May 2016
the world isn't cruel by far
its inhabitants are
for they can pierce a soul
can pierce something whole

my heart's bleeding
blood's pouring
it has been struck by words
words as sharp as a sword

so i bid farewell
from my old, lonely cell
for i'm about to fly
time for me to say goodbye
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