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 Nov 2016
life's jump
probly a few minutes
and i was done
writing wasn't feeling the same
i stood on top like
bricks around disaster

i was looking up
i took my shoes off
threw them aside still laced  
i wasn't being funny
i know where this is going

where i write  
where i see cracks in perfect paths  
where blood taste like metals of purity
with every year burning
where these flowers like to live
die on vines from inside
allowing ivy to climb my back

i am a length of fence
in a yard with no dog
on a gate without reason
sitting on a post during live events

i am a fool for giving into seasons
romancing everything like a poet
following every inch of broken glass

nodding to my friends that i'm willing to mend
but waiting for them to laugh
outlined with chalk on the sidewalk
where blood stains concrete my convictions
flowing from the curb to the overpass

in the night like candles floating water
under tree branches ready to crack
formatting clouds to sky write, come with me
a man in the park on his back
a note

this poem took on a life of it's own.
a friend of mine heard a lady in Berkeley
reading this as her own. it was hash tagged, and all over the internet. it gained attention.
even to this day, someone has this up as their own on a long ago since vacant Facebook page.
it's funny where poems end up.
it wasn't my favorite. but the feelings of this day are true. lost and dreaming at Wright Park, Tacoma Washington. ♥
 Nov 2016
Mike Hauser
Lay this poet down
When the time arrives
In a field of fresh cut words
On a bed of softened rhyme

Feel free to cover me
From my head down to my feet
In a poetic form to keep me warm
Perhaps a blanket of allegory

Place a silken sonnet pillow
Underneath my weary head
In a field of fresh cut words
On top a rhyming bed
 Oct 2016
Valsa George
Give me
new morns of splendid sunshine
and clear blue skies with soft wind
humming sweetly to the timeless rhythm

Give me
fresh air with gentle whispering of breeze
to be kissed passionately and tickled playfully

Give me
quiet days sans the bustle of hectic crowds
each promising new wonders and joyous tidings

Give me
country sides with luxuriant vegetation
and rich plantation to feel partitioned off
the soot and dirt of roaring cities
     **Give me

     woodlands of varied flora and fauna
so rare and rich that nowhere else are seen

Give me
gardens and brick laid pavements
where there grow such lovely blooms, nodding amorous
to flirting dandies on colorful wings

Give me
running brooks and rushing streams
upon whose fertile banks tall trees and bushes green,
in singles and files grow

Give me
orchards, beautiful and fair
with fruit laden trees, so wonderful and rare

Give me
vast fields of ripening corn and paddy
where farmers joyfully gather to harvest their year’s toil

Give me
vineyards of trellised vine
with hanging clusters of grapes, green and maroon

Give me
ponds and wells of crystalline water
to quench the thirst and turn fallows into fecund lands

Give me
woods and forest tracks
where spring lingers all the year round and beyond
where birds on tree tops merrily sit and sing
whose harmonious notes in every nook and corner ring

Oh! Give me
     Nature in all ‘its primal sanities’
And souls with nicety of hearts, free of all affectations!!
Inspired by Walt Whitman's poem Give me the Splendid, Silent Sun!
 Oct 2016
david mungoshi
if i were a rummaging vagabond
with nowhere to lay my head
would you give me a second look?

if i wore tatters and was raving mad
talking to  demented shadows
would you hold me and lull my fears?

if i were a perpetual concern case
getting thin on my mad dreams
would you follow my fancies with me?

if i sang you a song i picked up
on the highways of my wanderings
would you smile sweetly and take me home?

if inexorable time began to weaken my resolve
would you laugh and say i told you so
or would you see the end that beckons to us all?
 Oct 2016
Nishu Mathur
Sweet sounds of waves softly lap
On flecks of sun dipped copper sands
With gentleness the water swirls
In a kiss of frothy love on land

Splash of oars on a cobalt sea
While songs of sailors wane and fade
Aboard the ships of destiny
A cruise on an ocean's serenade

The sea gull swoops, oh hear the cries
Flap of wings fluttering the dock
Ferries roll on routes of spice
Midst the clap of waves on rocks

Crests of water heave and ebb
Touched by scales of coral scents
Whispers born in the wind
Sing of pirates, silk legends

In murmurs 'twixt rippling waves
Dreams float 'neath a setting sun
Whisked like boats in a river's flow
That sail across to meet oceans

Love notes of romance in the waters
Rhythm at feet, soaking wet
Dancing waves stir the heart
In a melody from the ocean's breath

In cadence pleasant when tis dark
On a night when moon and stars are laid
When the sky shines with silver light  
The breeze plays music of mermaids  

Though now no storm, 'tis serene
Soon the winds will ravage, rave
On this quilt of aquamarine
In a cacophony of thunderous rage

But for now, 'tis the conch, the shell
That sings those songs of the sea
I close my eyes and drift away
Swept by its magic and mysteries
 Oct 2016
Liam C Calhoun
I blow dust off the book long forgotten;
It sprinkles like the stuff of faeries,
Gold and glittered across a mid-day sun,
A fraction of which allowed,
Through the only portal to me,
My one and only window.

The stars could twinkle somewhere south,
But I ply parallel a pale blue sky,
The trees, the birds, the oak and feather,
Simplicities from which I draw my breath.

It’s when my right eye twitches,
Ever so slightly, that this moment becomes
Ruined, reality and further ruined
By the projection of dead cells and mucus,
My reaction to the mites and memories within.

Soon after, tears from my left eye soothe
Parchment when empty entries persist,
And not from the moment I’ve found,
But upon the book that I’ve unearthed,
A tether yielding the child, “unworthy,”
And a life best to the orphaned,
Mothered by only the winds.

Thus I become the seconds where
The dust has since disappeared,
Moons offer placated grins,
And the magic’s all but exposed too,
Much like the my earlier sunlight –

Jokes behind omnipresent clouds, and so,
I slap the hand that yielded this treasure
And toss the jewels to the wolves below.
Leaving time, and myself, once more and
In ritual, to be forgotten.
 Oct 2016
Be it lions and tigers
Or sharks and whales
There's no way around
This trip through hell

So lock and load
Your heart and soul
Take your aim
And let love flow

In this life
You can never win
If you don't get out there
   And try again...
Traveler Tim
 Oct 2016
SG Holter
All the ones I
Love the most have

Someone they love
More than me.

The truth of it is

That lonely knowing
Sets me free.

The legless fly,
The voiceless sing.

There's love in every
Living thing.

And in that love
I bask and laugh,

Composing my own

All gods are real, and
Therefore none,

Hell hath merely
Room for one.

All the ones I love
The most

May barely know a
Man from ghost.

I love their rains, their
Suns and soils,

Their loving others form
The spoils that go

To me right where I
Stand to see:

I need not even
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