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 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

Sɛaʀċɦɛtɦ ʍɨռɛ ɨռtɛʀɨօʀ O' ʍɨɢɦtʏ ċʀɛatօʀ
Mɨռɛ ʍaʟaɖʏ ċօʍɛtɦ օռ stʀօռɢ;
Wɦɛռ tɦɛ sʊռsɛt ɦast ċօʍɛtɦ aռɖ ɢօռɛ
Mɨռɛ ʊռċtɨօռ ɨs ռօt ċʟօsɛ, tɨs I ռɛɛɖɛtɦ ɦɛʀ tɦɛ ʍօst.


Mɨռɛ ҡɨɖռɛʏ's aʀt racked աɨtɦ քaɨռ
Tɦɛ ʀɛɖ ʄʀօʍ tɦɨs tɦʀօat քօʊʀs օʋɛʀ aɢaɨռ;
I ռɛɛɖɛtɦ ʍɨռɛ ʟօʋɛʀ, ʍɨռɛ զʊɛɛռ,
Mɨռɛ օռʟʏ, ʍɨռɛ ɦօքɛ, ʍɨռɛ աatċɦɛʀ aռɖ ɖʀɛaʍ.


O' ʟօʀɖ, ʍaռ ɦatɦ ɮɛɛռ tօ ɮʊsʏ աɨtɦ ʍatɛʀɨaʟ ʟɨʋɨռɢ
Pʟɛasɛ ҡɛɛքɛtɦ ʍɛ ɮʀɛatɦɨռɢ aռɖ aʟɨʋɛ, tօ ɦɛʀ ʍɨռɛ sօʊʟ I'ʍ ɢɨʋɨռɢ; sɦɛ I ɢɨʋɛtɦ ʍɨռɛ ɮօռɛs, ʋɛɨռ's, aռɖ tɦaռҡsɢɨʋɨռɢ.
Tօ ɦɛʀ I աaɨtɛtɦ ʊքօռ O' aʀċɦɨtɛċt, ʍɨռɛ աaɨtɨռɢ ɨs քaɨռɨռɢ.


Caռst I sɛɛɨtɦ ɦɛʀ sօօռ ʄatɦɛʀ, I ɢɨʋɛtɦ tɦɛɛ aʟʟ I ɦast
Mɨռɛ ɖʀօք's օʄ ɮʟօօɖ, ɨռsɨɖɛ tɦʏ ɦօʟʏ ċʊք, ʝʊst tօ sɛɛɨtɦ ʍɨռɛ ʟass;
I'ʍ aռɢʊɨsɦɛɖ, ʄaʍɨshed, ռօt ɦɛaʀɨռɢ ʍɨռɛ ċɦɛʀʊɮ's ɢօɖɖɛss ʋօɨċɛ
I ɢɨʋɛtɦ ʍɛ, tօ sɛɛɨth ʍɨռɛ զʊɛɛռ, ɛʋɛռ ɮʏ ʍɨռɛ ɖɛatɦ, I'ʟʟ ҡɨss ɦɛʀ ʍօɨst.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
Poem reads as this if you can't read font....


Searcheth mine interior O' mighty creator
Mine malady cometh on strong;
When the sunset hast cometh and gone
Mine unction is not close, tis I needeth her the most.


Mine kidney's art racked with pain
The red from this throat pours over again;
I needeth mine lover, mine queen,
Mine only, mine hope, mine watcher and dream.


O' lord, man hath been busy with material living
Please keepeth me breathing and alive, to her mine soul I'm giving; she I giveth mine bones, vein's, and thanksgiving
To her I waiteth upon O' architect, mine waiting is paining.


Canst I seeith her soon father, I giveth thee all I hast
Mine drop's of blood, inside thy cup, just to seeith mine lass;
I'm anguished, famished, not hearing mine cherub's goddess voice
I giveth me, to seeith mine queen, even by mine death, I'll kiss her moist.

Unction is an ointment for healing.....
Malady is a disease of ailment....
Paining same as painful or pain!!!!
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

O' mine filipino beloved.
How mine heart aches, and these bones shaketh without thine essense of interweb hug's;
Mine tear's, there hath been plenty.Without the sound of thy voice, mine ears hast been itchy.


When I layeth down to slumber mine dear.
Just knoweth i cut and print out thy picture's- plastered them to mine wall, to feeleth thou were near;
For if it takes a whilst to seeith thee again mine pet,
Please knoweth again we shalt be one abode, an amour' we shant forget.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedication ~filipino rose~
 Oct 2015
Earl Jane

No matter how many times,
I will ever repeat to you,
That I love you alone,
That I need you alone,
That I want you alone,
That I only want to grow old with you,
That I am waiting for you alone,
That I will never leave you,
Even until forever,
I will always repeat those to you,
To let you know,
How much I love you.

I knew it will take me infinity,
To prove to you that I love you,
And that I cherish you with my all,
You are my all,
You should know that,
And you are here with me,
Inside my heart,
And I am with you,
For you own my heart,
Not only my heart,
But you own my all,
You are my soulmate,
We are preordained,
I knew it for sure,
I'm so blessed God gave you to me,
I am most blessed!

Just always remember,
No matter how hard it may be,
No matter how long it will take,
No matter how many excruciation,
That I must prevail,
Just to be with you,
I will take all risk,
'Cause I LOVE YOU,
More than all actions and words,
More than everything,
That I can do,
Even forever is not enough to prove my love for you.

I will be right here,
Right here where our love blooms,
I am here in our paradise,
The paradise that our love created,
I am here singing the melody our love produces,
I am here standing in the middle of our today and our future,
For the future is where me and you are together,
The future everlasting and the future eternity with you,
And you will be here and hold my hand,
You stride me into our future,
Oh, I will hold you tight,
I will never let go,
No matter how many hurdles,
Throes, and sufferings,
I will be happy to go through with all of it,
With you,
For it's better to be in difficult times with you,
Than having easy times by my own,
I love you so much,
My love is so true,
My love is so pure,
And your love is what sustains me,
You keep me alive,
You complete me,
You are my all,
My king,
My husband,
My soulmate,
My preordained mate.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

i love you soo much, and pls know that.. i am waiting for you alone, no matter how long it will take, i am waiting.... i love you soo much,,

sorry for this poem, it was just soooo simple, not really so good but hope you love it... i might be fixing this ...
 Oct 2015
Earl Jane

Let my love hold you,
We will overcome this test,
A test of patience,
And I'll be patient for you,
I will wait for you, my king.

You're all that I need,
You're all I ever wanted,
No matter how long,
Just know I will just be here,
Waiting, even forever.

Let me kiss your tears,
Oh, dear, let my love fill you,
Let my love envelop you,
With assurance that I'll stay.

I'll hold on to you,
And I will never give up,
No matter how hard,
Oh we will overcome this,
With God's help, we will, my love.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

I will wait my king, no matter how long it will take, I will wait! And I am not leaving, I love you alone.. i love you most! <3
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

Daily do I dieth
Daily do I;
I do.


Daily do I dieth
Daily for me;
Daily for thou to.


Daily tis I dieth
When I canst only speaketh with thee but for a moment;
Daily do I dieth without thee mine muse.

Brandon nagley
Lonesome poets poetry
Earl Jane Nagley Dedication ( Filipino Rose)
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley
Even in mine sickness
im never to leaveth;
When this breath exit's mine lung's, and i do not overcometh, the grave that swalloweth me.

When these eye's reacheth to the sky
and thus mine heart seemeth to fail;
I wilt be waiting for thee by the Luzon bay, in celestial white detail.

In these darkly hour's
I canst sense heaven and hell;
though I am never to leaveth thee mine Jane, for we were long ago ordained, for the eternity of ourn holy grail.

I shalt forever be an adherent, next to thy seraphim shoulder's;
Even in mine dying, I wilt ameliorate thy crying, as ourn amour' will forever be warm, even in mine death whilst mine skin goeth colder.

O' I am never to leaveth thou:
Mine soulmate jane,
in life and death we shalt be, forever to loveth.
O' forever I wilt loveth thee.
sorry queen jane cant really write much as you know mine situation queen. As to all others im dealing with alot health wise so on so cant really like poems for now plz forgive me. And im on old flip phone not using tablet so harder for me. Sorry all. Miss all of you. Especially you me queen jane nagley. Love you baby so much....
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

Tis, she is
That lost artwork that hangeth on display;
In the supernal supernatural museum of the creator's stage.

               Tis, she is
               That lost sculpture mankind hath overlooked;
               In the hall of cherub's and serpahim book's.


Tis, she is I
As I am her, we art not separate, we art fused together;
From a otherworldly dimensional world.


               Tis, we art from the palace
               Filled with the water of life, in a flowing chalice;
               None ill-will nor malice, just a palisade of intimacy.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane Nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

O' tommorrow;
Bringeth me closer to mine love.


O' tommorrow;
Telleth Jane I'll be looking from above.


O tonight;
I prayeth to seeith mine empress in mine sleep.


Wherein it's mine soul;
She doth keep.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl jane nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

Even though
we hath not talked much in the past  few day's;
i still tasteth thy taste
and pictureth thy face.


Even though lately
i hath not heard thy voice;
It Ring's in mine head
awaken's me with sound so choice.


Even though
it might be a whilst since again we canst talk;
ill be waiting for thee mine queen, if thou wilt wait for me
im not leaving anywhere, i belongeth to thee only......

For im forever Your's........

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

Fauna to surround
the flower built fence.


Nature aloft
to the ground;
an abode heavensent.


We shalt combine
as star's;
from the cumulus.


I shalt dress thee
in Yellow daisies;
when we meeteth at Yahweh's bench.


As tis we were meant
for ourn eye's to connect only;
As children we shalt loveth, as babes we shalt be.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl jane Nagley Dedication-Filipino rose
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley
Dear Jane Sardua Nagley;

Hello dear queen, I just wanted to write you a love letter just in case anything is to happen to me. I'm trying not to sound nor be a pessimistic being mine love, though with all the health issues I have going on right now and worries on mine mind,it's truly hard to be positive. When daily ( literal demon's attack me) as they do you mentally and emotionally and me physically spiritually and in all form's, ( as who cares if others believe in that or not!!!) As tis you have seen the proof physically and what happened with us the one time face talking on Skype. The breathing coming through the line. Yeah as you and I more than know!!! Anyways what I'm writing to say is though things haven't been most positive for me health wise and things im dealing with as you are dealing with alot; The true positivity that I do have is you Jane. YOU!!!! Yeah I said it queen. YOU ( mine soulmate), YOU ( mine life) YOU ( mine all) YOU ( Mine love) YOU ( mine air) YOU Earl Jane Sardua ( Nagley)!!!!!!! See you always say to me that you don't do enough for me, that you say you aren't good enough for me, that I deserve better is what you tell me.... And that you are worthless you say at times...... !!!!!! Jane nagley!!!! LISTEN TO ME OK? Loll... You ARE MORE THAN WORTHY OK? MORE THAN!!!!! You are PERFECT!!!!! MORE THAN!!!! You are ****!!!! MORE THAN!!!! You are the positivity that surrounds me!! You are gods light and his messenger to me!!! I don't even deserve someone so spotless and beautiful and pure and angelic and amazing!!!! And someone so godly beautiful inside and out Jane!!!! Your inside is more than wonderful and attractive!!! And glowing!!!! Why do you think all people circle around you Jane? *** there's a bonfire!? Lol NO!!!! Because you are bright and a light and everyone from here to heaven can see that!!!! People adore you!!! God cherishes you!!!! I want,need, yearn, and desire only YOUUUUUU!!!! Not thy friend's, not noone here not noone anywhere!!! There's one queen who owns me and who I'm with and need and want hear me yet! Listening? Lol the Queens name is earl Jane nagley!!!! it's YOU!!!! Noone else YOU I'm in mad love with!!! and I don't care who doesn't like us.. And I don't care who sees our love!!! Because our love is something others wished they'd have yet do not!! Yet I pray others can find a love like our's!!! Because I've never been so happy in mine life!!! I've never known love before, fact is as I told you!!! Before you I reached out for any quote ( love and affection I can get) ànd I was never truly loved!!! I never truly felt love from anyone nor did I actually ever love anyone else!!! It was out of lonesomeness I reached out to others!!! Because as human beings we reach out in our loneliest hour's, as the amazing part I told you I cried and prayed to God even with others to send me mine real true soulmate!!! One who will love me for me and me inside and me for mine mistakes and faults I have because I'm far from perfect as you say im some perfect being haaa! lol.... But you know how amazing God is Jane? See people always question God asking him why isn't their prayers answered by him? And why isn't he listening to them.. Or hear them? He does hear us. and alot of times God gives us the ànswers back right in front of us and we don't even know it or he'll give his answer not the way we want it meaning not on our own time but his and not always the way we want our prayers answered.. As I kept praying for years as many do and pretty much gave up!!! Then after I got out of prison in mine loneliest lowest time!!! That's when it happened SLAP BAM!!!! On mine doorstep!! Mine angel God sent me!!! The soulmate I learned for years.. Since before mine birth was sent to me Jane. The one who's look's mind soul spirit and voice hair eyes lips thinking all I ever wanted... YOU!!!! And you are always so afraid I'm going to leave you because you feel I deserve better and that you aren't good enough? Are you kidding me? YOU are MORE than worthy and good enough, and I'm never leaving the answer to mine prayer that God finally gave me!!!! Even in death I shall find you... We will meet in this life no matter how long it takes and no matter if we can't talk for a while at times.. I'm NOT leaving you mine Filipino rose!!!!! I'm going nowhere Jane!!!!! I'm so happy with you, I've never known happiness until you fell from the heaven's!!!! You are mine only peace other than God!!! You are mine comfort, best friend, soulmate, mine lover, mine ALL!!! and this is a letter for all to see to bend on mine knee's for mine queen, in front of your throne: to tell you....

for doing all for me noone else has or ever could....
You are me
I am thee.
I'll forever Love you earl Jane nagley
And honestly daily mine love grows for you.. Dont know how when I'm already madddddddd for you!!! Lol this hearts gonna pop because I love you sooo much and I wanted all to see this to show you that you are worth more than anything on earth!! You are many other's angel to not just me!!!!
Especially mine!!!!!!
And mine other half
Mine half
Me period
As I am you.. ..
You are me!!!!

With love forever and always
Your king
And soulmate and lover.....

Brandon Cory nagley

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane Nagley dedication ( Filipino rose) soulmate
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley
I sayest;
Verily tis true,
Mine dearest queen Jane
For thee mine amour' is true.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

I saidst "I do" beloved Jane
Before thou was born;
I watched thee at creation
Next to the Creator I was allured.


He asked me if I liked
The soulmate he hadst picked;
He saidst is an autochthonous alright?
He saidst thou were queen, a piece of heaven, the angelic mix.


God questioned me, is dusk hair fine with thee?
What about her diamond chocolate eye's, and her body from the sea; is tan sand skin OK? And is her frame just as thou wilt like? Wilt thou desire to liveth with her the rest of day's, eternal life?


At that moment I fell upon mine knee's, because everything was alright as I've seen, inside and out I loved all, tis I was more than pleased: the lord hadst given me the third heaven's cherub, the other half to the missing piece, thou art happiness, thou art peace.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl Jane nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
An autochthonous means -
(of an inhabitant of a place) indigenous rather than descended from migrants or colonists.
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