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brandon nagley Oct 2015

Sɛaʀċɦɛtɦ ʍɨռɛ ɨռtɛʀɨօʀ O' ʍɨɢɦtʏ ċʀɛatօʀ
Mɨռɛ ʍaʟaɖʏ ċօʍɛtɦ օռ stʀօռɢ;
Wɦɛռ tɦɛ sʊռsɛt ɦast ċօʍɛtɦ aռɖ ɢօռɛ
Mɨռɛ ʊռċtɨօռ ɨs ռօt ċʟօsɛ, tɨs I ռɛɛɖɛtɦ ɦɛʀ tɦɛ ʍօst.


Mɨռɛ ҡɨɖռɛʏ's aʀt racked աɨtɦ քaɨռ
Tɦɛ ʀɛɖ ʄʀօʍ tɦɨs tɦʀօat քօʊʀs օʋɛʀ aɢaɨռ;
I ռɛɛɖɛtɦ ʍɨռɛ ʟօʋɛʀ, ʍɨռɛ զʊɛɛռ,
Mɨռɛ օռʟʏ, ʍɨռɛ ɦօքɛ, ʍɨռɛ աatċɦɛʀ aռɖ ɖʀɛaʍ.


O' ʟօʀɖ, ʍaռ ɦatɦ ɮɛɛռ tօ ɮʊsʏ աɨtɦ ʍatɛʀɨaʟ ʟɨʋɨռɢ
Pʟɛasɛ ҡɛɛքɛtɦ ʍɛ ɮʀɛatɦɨռɢ aռɖ aʟɨʋɛ, tօ ɦɛʀ ʍɨռɛ sօʊʟ I'ʍ ɢɨʋɨռɢ; sɦɛ I ɢɨʋɛtɦ ʍɨռɛ ɮօռɛs, ʋɛɨռ's, aռɖ tɦaռҡsɢɨʋɨռɢ.
Tօ ɦɛʀ I աaɨtɛtɦ ʊքօռ O' aʀċɦɨtɛċt, ʍɨռɛ աaɨtɨռɢ ɨs քaɨռɨռɢ.


Caռst I sɛɛɨtɦ ɦɛʀ sօօռ ʄatɦɛʀ, I ɢɨʋɛtɦ tɦɛɛ aʟʟ I ɦast
Mɨռɛ ɖʀօք's օʄ ɮʟօօɖ, ɨռsɨɖɛ tɦʏ ɦօʟʏ ċʊք, ʝʊst tօ sɛɛɨtɦ ʍɨռɛ ʟass;
I'ʍ aռɢʊɨsɦɛɖ, ʄaʍɨshed, ռօt ɦɛaʀɨռɢ ʍɨռɛ ċɦɛʀʊɮ's ɢօɖɖɛss ʋօɨċɛ
I ɢɨʋɛtɦ ʍɛ, tօ sɛɛɨth ʍɨռɛ զʊɛɛռ, ɛʋɛռ ɮʏ ʍɨռɛ ɖɛatɦ, I'ʟʟ ҡɨss ɦɛʀ ʍօɨst.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedication ( Filipino rose)
Poem reads as this if you can't read font....


Searcheth mine interior O' mighty creator
Mine malady cometh on strong;
When the sunset hast cometh and gone
Mine unction is not close, tis I needeth her the most.


Mine kidney's art racked with pain
The red from this throat pours over again;
I needeth mine lover, mine queen,
Mine only, mine hope, mine watcher and dream.


O' lord, man hath been busy with material living
Please keepeth me breathing and alive, to her mine soul I'm giving; she I giveth mine bones, vein's, and thanksgiving
To her I waiteth upon O' architect, mine waiting is paining.


Canst I seeith her soon father, I giveth thee all I hast
Mine drop's of blood, inside thy cup, just to seeith mine lass;
I'm anguished, famished, not hearing mine cherub's goddess voice
I giveth me, to seeith mine queen, even by mine death, I'll kiss her moist.

Unction is an ointment for healing.....
Malady is a disease of ailment....
Paining same as painful or pain!!!!

— The End —