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 Jan 2016
You sit up with a start
form outlined by the afterglow, or is that the sunrise?
We've been in bed for years it seems
and you're still unaware of me watching, listening
to the silent sobs and scratchy breaths
of the dream daemons that live in your lenses and tug your eyes cross and blind.

You've seen me unclothed, but I've seen you naked.
And you are beautiful.
It's again open season
Yet there remains no vacancy
No rooms for rest
Salmon kite
Days of nostalgia
Free float
Pure trist
Illis quotes Amber
The fungus grows larger
A beast and a rifle to burden this momentum
Falling through a mother's pine
One thousand banes in the form of love
A mother's work is never done
Ninth dynamic
Four hours and this is forged again
Silver screams heard through golden temples
Dust settles, the bricks fall
A mile of bone penetrates the pyramid
Bringing new forma of energy
Satan's toothpick
And sharp fur for another
Ghost conductor entering messages
Down there, he eats in fits of a slothful rage
In fits of overdosed shrubbery
***** clocks
Each hollows and fades you
Advanced romance as strands won't return
Dirt searches for your face in the midnight hours
Artificial chains
Lead by burns
Idolatry commencement
Group Tragedy
 Oct 2015
Eternal **** Buddy
Wakes up early
We roll around
In bed

Id get up
Make a cup
But he plays
With my head

He's my *******
At 2 am
Whe the liquor
Fills my blood

The coyote ugly
Try to crawl
But the boy
... Hes good

He pulls you in
Oh so easily
Doesnt even try
Yet he gets to me

Eternal **** Buddy
Hes always down
Screaming NO
just makes empty sound.
 Oct 2015
Elisa Maria Argiro
I am thinking about newly-hatched sea turtles,
and about how perfectly formed they are.

And about how, with independent instinct,
they head straight for the open ocean.

In our dream worlds,
where convention holds no sway,
we do the same.

Left to our own unencumbered instincts,
and when we are rested and happy,
we make choices that nourish our souls,
and the souls of those around us.

Finding a point of origin,
and finding where we belong,
are two sides of the selfsame coin.

Trundling into the sea of our own authenticity
may seem too simple, lacking in choice.

It is our bravest, most definitive act.

As vital to our real survival,
as to those tiny beings,
who innocently do as they must.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
 Sep 2015
Victoria Jennings
God gave me a heart
So huge,
Because he knew
That you needed all the love
I could offer.
 Sep 2015
Ansley Popov
I need you to be my escape from this house I need you to be my home.
 Sep 2015
The flower soaks the brightness of the sun, emotional oceans flood hearts by the ton.

Searching for hidden beauty within the seed, nurtured to grow into what we need.

The mind is the soil in which we plant, knowledge and wisdom slowly removing "I can't".

Growing stronger at fighting winds that blow against, more powerful then the fight is an unbreakable defense.

So absorb the sun in which you shine, to hone and strengthen an unbreakable mind.
 Sep 2015
Dark n Beautiful
Top to bottom
Left to right
No matter how you look ahead
It was a sad, sad day
 Sep 2015
She wanted him
to turn around
for the very last time
an emotional snapshot
to keep like a secret
a memory to hold onto
their last moment together
like a symphony...
She wanted him
to turn around
for the very last time
so she could remember the flicker of gold in his eyes
the way the sunlight reflected off of it
dancing passionately toward her
instead he kept walking away
making it clear in an instant that he was gone
and, that he had closed the door
on her heart,
and, as she turned and walked away from him
pushing the door open
to walk down the stairs
she felt their lives ripping apart...

wishing hard that she had looked into his eyes
just to keep a secret...
one she knew deep within her soul
he would never tell...
their symphony had ended
long ago.
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Krisselle S. Cosgrove August 31st, 2015
 Aug 2015
Emma Duncanson
If you weren't here to hold my hand
If you weren't around to help me understand
I'd wander, an empty vessel, through this so-called equilibrium
I would know this place as dark and lifeless
Where is beauty without you to name it?
Without us there, side by side, to claim it?
I can't find the limit if you're not on my wavelength
I just can't dare myself to dare
Without my soul.

I need you to know
Before you enter this strange, new section
They have built for you
That I am at your feet, far below your calves,
Licking the ground
You stand on.
Worshiping you
(Especially from a far).

Although I would sell my cells to be closer
I must remain within the clouds
Until next Spring.
And it is there, we will finally blossom, again and again.

Until they force us to return to our caves
Until we must go back, my friend.
Love is Odd.

She is in the kitchen cooking something for tomorrow
I do not criticise what she is doing
when I did she shouted like a tempest and silenced me.
we spoke and I promised not to make any comment on
her frequent use of the washing machine and I promised
when peeing in the night to keep the stream in the ***
which is not easy three in the morning?

My wife went to see a doctor today, and she has seen
many but I made no sarcastic remarks, she has exhausted
all the doctors in our town and the net widens.
Love you see it tolerate your partner's obsession and
dutifully listen to her symptoms. I do this without shouting
although a ****** helps
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