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 Jul 2015
Day Wing
We were but broken hearts; hoping to find the pieces in each other's embrace
 Jul 2015
tell me how beautiful is the stars
and how the moon shines so bright
explore every inch of wonders,
embrace the night sky

whisper your wishes
turn off the lights
tell me how your mind
floats in the darkness
when slowly,
you are suffering inside.
 Jul 2015
Rangzeb Hussain
When things go wrong…

We cast blame,
We heap accusations,
We shovel suspicion,
We hurl abuse,
We point fingers,
We spit doubt.

Oh God, why war?
Oh God, why ******?
Oh God, why famine?
Oh God, why sickness?
Oh God, why poverty?
Oh God, why injustice?

When things work out…

We award ourselves,
We praise ourselves,
We celebrate ourselves,
We toast ourselves,
We pat ourselves,
We acknowledge ourselves.

I did it,
I did it all,
I did this,
I did that,
I did,
I did.

Did you, really?
 Jul 2015
I found comfort in your presense
I found purpose in your eyes
I found a place to rest my head
until the sun would rise
I found a place I could call home
I found a place I'd never known
I found a place I now could hold
I found a burst, a flare,  nothing no words to compare
I found my happiness in your expressions
your small quirks the left me breathless
I found you but at the wrong time
write a poem everyday
make it a daily habit
note whatever you've to say
the bitter or the sweet.

stare at the screen before you
or the page if it's so
there's always something new
awaiting your ink's flow.

some you've to dig not much
a few need delving deep
some may feel like feather touch
a few would make you weep.

sometimes the hand would just not move
at other would run like horse
sometimes the words would sing and groove
cry out like waves' roars.

while you write you may bleed
or kiss the blue like bird
jotting down is all you need
the inner voice that's heard.
the poet buds for a lifetime
 Jul 2015
i would sit on my porch.
looking up at the moon
and the stars i would
wonder how long it
would take the people
on the planets of
Alpha Centauri
to notice they
had one


(c) 7/8/2015
as if they would

thanks to Midnight Writer
for the inspiration
 Jul 2015
raine cooper
i wanted to tell you i loved you,
but the butterflies in my stomach swarmed my throat, and all the words got caught in their wings
So happy this was picked for the daily! Thank you all so much for your kind words and support of my writing. I appreciate it, truly.
 Jul 2015
She was in love
With old books.
She was in love with
The way they smelled
As she flipped the pages
And felt the air hit her face.
She was in love with
The rough texture
Of the paper worn over time.
She was in love with
The yellowed tint of the pages
And the crumple of water spots.
She was in love with
The broken and tattered
Binding that crinkled
When you touched it.
But most of all,
She was in love with
The stories that not only
The words written in them held
But the stories behind each
Coffee stain and torn corner.
The idea that this book
Had connected with
So many other people
Enchanted her,
And she wondered if
Maybe she wasn't as
Strange and odd
As people told her.
And she thought that just
Maybe she wasn't as
Alone as she felt.
 Jul 2015
Rain falls
behind her eyes

misting her world
the color of asphalt and
wet granite

not a single



Soul Survivor
I saw a photograph in Life magazine.
It was of a woman who was displaced from
Oklahoma during the 1930's.
She and her family were homeless.
Not a tear was in her eye.
She was too numb to cry another tear.
She was done crying.

This is for all the women out there
who suffer in silence.
 Jul 2015
Stellar Notions
I've been gone for so long
I can't remember who I was
before I turned to this
 Jul 2015
One day I will buy chocolate milk,
One day I will fly first class,
One day my shirts will be silk,
One day I’ll have a backstage pass.

I am accustomed to saying No
To things that would make me smile,
It’s not that I’m short on dough
But splurging just isn’t my style.

The waiter asks if I’d like a sundae,
Oh my, I couldn’t do that,
Perhaps I’ll have it one day
Because I don’t want to get fat.

This attitude long ago was learned
And strangely it has survived,
Trust me I’m deeply concerned
Why I am so often deprived.

I know I deserve the best,
And shouldn’t make life tougher,
I feel that I’m overly stressed,
And I don’t deserve to suffer.

Starting today I shall vow
To indulge my deepest desires,
To spoil myself I’ll learn how
Before my dull life expires.
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