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 Aug 2015
Isn't it strange?
You've been living with yourself all this while
But you can't even figure out who you are.
Let's be honest here. I know myself completely but there are some parts of myself that make me feel so frustrated. So no one really has the right to call out on our ******* because who knows who we really are.
 Aug 2015
Mike Essig
Describe experience
and you get a novel;
distill experience
and you get a poem.

 Aug 2015
Jazmine Moore
A bed sheet of memories.
A heart taped together with broken promises.
A head filled with "what ifs" and "could've beens"
More importantly, two feet that couldn't walk away even if they tried.
 Aug 2015
Joshua Haines
You're not in love,
you just like
Blood boiling,
tense muscles
put your mind
at ease.

You're not kissing,
you just like
the gesture of hope:
the softer the lips
the harder it is
to walk away.

You quote their texts
like you're quoting
The tweets you study
cause your heart
to freeze.

You're like a god
without a people:
You're looking
for anyone
to believe
in you.

I dreamt about
a ****** t.v.
I put myself
in a lover's shoes.
I said, "You're
not that lonely
but you like
the attention.
And I guess
I'd like to
give it
to you."
 Aug 2015
Who cares
In theblink of an eye
Life can disappear
Who's left to care
Do they remember
A short while and
Time erases me
A distant memory
So fractured
Not so clear
In feeling only
The story is shakey
It's a blur at best
Better exaggerated
 Aug 2015
the pendulum swings
Time repeats
A continuos motion
Unforgiving often
That's the story
Time's motion
 Aug 2015
David Ehrgott
I hold my pillow, grab it's ***
pretend it's you.  But, I'm in Forever
The time in between with you.  It's
hard as ever waiting, craving for more
you.  Hop on my pistol girl 'cause I've
got shots for you.  I was crazy,
very crazy to just sit there and not
move.  Or, was I dreaming.  How could
I be good enough for you.  I'm just
a dreamer but, i beat Everest
Don't dream that one dream 'cause
even cheaters pay for that and losers
stay there forever for free.  Just free me
from my misery or add to it my sea
All the pain and agony dissolves
when you are near me.  The emptiness,
it disapears even memories of pain.
So come on back and pick me up I'll
give it back with you again.
 Aug 2015
The way he looked at her,
was the way every girl wanted to be looked at.
He admired her beauty,
adored her sense of humor,
danced with her demons,
loved her like a burning flame,
He loved her
everything she came with.
 Aug 2015
Mike Essig
From nothingness I fell
into the world of substance,
into the world of becoming:

and became, a toddler, a teenager,
a soldier, a husband, a father,
a professor, an old poet.

Sixty-four orbits of the sun;
over 37 trillion miles so far.
It should feel longer than it does.

Thirty-seven trillion miles of
Reality, Maya, Monkey Mind,
the inevitable, unceasing chatter
we call existence; all the pieces
of this enormous jigsaw puzzle
I have given up try to solve.

You cannot solve life
as if it were just a calculus problem.

Too many variables.

Instead, I try to compose
a kind of music I cannot understand,
only enjoy and share with strangers;

an often futile attempt to harmonize
the discords of living while
getting  a little peek of insight.

Poetry: an attempt to part
the reeds and see what there is
swimming behind the behind,

before the orbits finally end.
 Aug 2015
Mike Essig
Thank you, Al.*

I was born poor, came up hard,
learned early to fight. I didn't die.

Streaming fire struck me three times
from the sky; I didn't die.

I lost my money, wife and children
to a bout of madness; I didn't die.

Many drugs, much alcohol, dead friends,
despair and depression; I didn't die.

Life is what I overcame and survived.

Life is the practice of suffering and joy
that I will continue until I die.
The body stands as tall as a tree,
As the soul inside of it falls to its knees.
 Aug 2015
Mike Essig
Different places, different ages.
Space time dilemmas.
You have a plan;
I have a past.
Where in this
phenomenonal  world
can our paths cross?
No answers,
only hope and questions
and time to think.
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