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 Aug 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

I'm Tired of facing hardships that don't have anything to do with me.
Looking for purposes that i would love to expand you see.
the love i feel is not as wild as it would seem when it's just a dream.
a lot of things are uncomfortable,
what you want your respect or somethin"?,
all the things i regret about ya,
like you think i won't amount to nothin",
all the negative things you lack,
that you see in me are the things your makin",
up in a society,
that apparently you let help raise me,
moving away will be the best thing for me,
so the rest won't believe your stories.
 Aug 2017
Martin Narrod
what is more gentle?

than this pillow of the light?
a life narrowing,
in a bright feather dance
that sweeps across the sea
or covers our faces in shadows.
where do you go when you leave me?
now I am nocturnal,
a bliss bandit,
cooing at stars
one thousand miles high.
shaking like a tea kettle,
I am the black *** black,
Swallowing pieces of your light,
in the back-room jungle where I sew,
tears to the bottoms of my eyes,

I know days,
one minute
where I gambled time
and stood behind you
with my fingers
on your shoulders
and my mouth on your neck.
What it takes to be apart,
split in half,
shucked from birth;
it takes every thing I
ever owned,
every note I ever sang,
each breath that I will make-
some thought I stand up on,
my knees quivering below me.
five kinds of drugs
just to see straight, to hold
my hands steady or
sleep at night.
your lavender flavor
is still in me.
youth inside me.
soaking in this forgotten city,
Earth's heroes drifting away.
I could never eat again, or
cast a spell, or touch the same.
while burning I may never
on these same two feet again.
Or answer an echoing voice
From across the gloom
Where nearness emotes itself
And I freeze inside my own cacophony
Of brilliant moods and total confusion.

four years,
a photograph.
one voice,
softening into my skin,
that I may never forget.
that this beard is of
an old man, should I never
count again
blessings or songs.
I dive into the flame
and study this journey backwards.
so I should never forget,
everything so serious
as this
as youth and eves
Three drops of cuteness
Spilt against a human act of
 May 2017
The Dedpoet
What remains
Of little words spoken. ...
The dreams far and away
Taken like thieves,
Only a little stays
In words written upon
A wonderful tombstone.
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