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 Sep 2015
Madison Y
Count to ten, then come find me
Tangled in the curtains, as always,
Trying to hold still.
I get so distracted by the birds out the window,
Shifting from branch to branch,
Always singing a new song, taking off
Whenever they please;
Sometimes, when nobody's looking,
I try to fly too, but of course,
I never land on my feet.
When I hear you laugh that you've found me,
I pull the curtains tight around my shoulders before I
Count to ten, then come find you.
Don't expect too much from me

'cause my days are numbered

'cause my lights are limited

In the end

You' ll gonna throw me


 May 2015
Simon Woodstock
Love me like you do
Stab me through and through
I know I shouldn't long for you
But my heart still longs for you
I've run out of things to do
It's been 4 months and I'm still not over you
So love me like you do
Stab me through my heart so I can feel close to you
The tears I cry tonight fall  like roses on a grave
I guess it's time to say goodbye
It's long past the last dance of the masquerade
Like bullets from a gun we ended with a sudden bang
we start and we end we dream we transcend we love we hurt we never rest again
LOVE: love is handing someone your heart watching them break it and continuing to love them still

— The End —