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 Jun 2021
Nomadic poet
These new little eyes
A brand new way to see life

    a brand new way
        to precieve this world

She makes magic happen
 Jun 2021
Hans Peter
While others lust for things 
that you can't hide
I lust for the things
that are concealed inside
I lust for your heart
I lust for your soul
I lust for the things
that make you whole
 Jun 2021
Michael T Chase
"The highest [theoretical physics] models are extremely general in their domains of application and, because of their generality, give little insight into actual behavior." ~Stephen Omohundro
Because humans think both linearly and non-linearly
there can be no ultimate pattern of
mathematics equations.
copywork math
 Jun 2021
Dennis Willis
You don't have time to read this
I'm not even taking the time to write it
I've let it fall this way consciously haphazardly
no, more like half-consciously self-titillating-ly
see if you can say that last word a few times
without smiling because I sure can't
 Jun 2021
Valsa George
Given time, an ache
will go to snooze
But from time to time,
will wake, ready to sting
a wound that will cede
but later may bleed
 Jun 2021
Ask me
hands will fold
Ask me
hands are cold
Ask me
hands are near
Ask me
hands will fear

Ask me
stutter becomes
Ask me
voice of one
Ask me
chimes will ring
Ask me
shout of sting

Ask me
Each day will know
Ask me
Fingers to mould
 Jun 2021
My heart yearns for you,
You who broke it.
It's pieces seek your words just to mend them.
My mind drifts away, searching for you.
But all they find is pain when they find you.
Roses are red
Violet are blue
You're a loser
And no one likes you
 Jun 2021
You stick a needle in my arm
The other end a fountain pen
And I would bleed myself dry
Trying to find the perfect words
To calm the thrashing in my soul
A million memories in one last breath
On my lips would be a name in sin
 Jun 2021
The way you stand
The way you sit
The way you secretly laugh for a bit
You’ve been hurt
You’ve been broken
And yet your heart is wide open
You think no one sees
You think no one cares
But that is really just not fair
Because I see
Because I do
My heart is filled by just looking at you
 Jun 2021
Sunflower Girl
"Tell me about you" he whispers,
I want to know more
I've seen you before,
So I couldn't ignored....
The elegance in your steps
The truth you profess
A genuine interest even in my disinterest
 Jun 2021
maybe people are meant
to fall in love
but not meant
to be together.

i was coming to terms with this
only to find out
we werent in love.
i was.
you never loved me
you didnt feel anything for me
you tried to,
but loving someone isnt something
you can make happen.

we always said we were meant to be, right?
perfect for each other
you said our love was pure
and real
and unbreakable.
look at it now,
its shattered.

falling in love with you
was the easiest thing
ive ever done.
falling out of love
will be the hardest.
i guess the [lovers] code has been cracked.
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