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 Jul 2015
Amanda In Scarlet
You touch me,
As if you can't believe that I am real,
The wonder in your eyes,
Betrays all that you feel,
All that you want, and need,
You gaze on me,
As if you could feed
On what your eyes find,
As if you could live on our love,
As if, withdrawn from my presence,
You might wither, and die.
Know this, then, love,
Without your touch,
My skin would turn to stone,
Our love sustains me,
I am not alone.
Under your gaze, I grow, I breathe, I live,
So touch, and gaze, take what you need,
And all that I can give.
Walk your land...
   Eyes to sky
      Azure beauty
         Clouds etheric bright
Rock ashen black
  Trees of umber
    n' greens of grass
      Fresh and alive
Lay on earth
  Smell deep
    the essence
       moist or parched
Walk your land...
     Walk your land...
        Find your
          Home once again
Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Remembering to Remember #3
 Jul 2015

For what is offered,
what is sold
I hold you still this painful night

Of shuttered blinds
and canceled glare
safe harbor from the screaming light

I shall not move
a muscle lone
for fear that I might wake your sleep

Your breath is warm
in tethered sense
these shadows that we linger deep

In silent thought
to stay the plan
no whispers form upon the wind

Until the time
your smile brings
an answer to my heart again

So in my arms
this evening lie
till agony does take its leave

For I shall never
leave your side
in this my promise, do believe

Now rest my love
in slumbered fill
beneath these covers, warming blend

To find that I am
holding you
*until the sunrise comes again
Good night Beautiful
 Jul 2015
I had forgotten
how sincerely
hard I tried

to make it feel true

Complete passion exists
in the poems I kept hidden
 Jul 2015

A soft breeze rustles through
pine needles swishing
amidst fireflies at play on a warm
enchanting summer night

We sit in quiet anticipation
as a bright full moon keeps watch
from its cosmic perch,
illuminating our magical evening

It is almost time as we see
the big dipper come into view
directing our focus to the grove
behind the chinaberry shrubs

We can hear them giggling
as tiny feet run atop fallen leaves
creating little crackles echoing
beyond the illumined forest canopy

When suddenly crickets and cicadas
perform a mesmerizing melody
wafting from tree to tree
and you point eagerly to the opening

As twelve little pixies appear, dancing in a circle,
singing along with the nighttime tune
Iridescent wings shimmer and flutter
as does our hearts watching

It only last a few moments and then they are gone,
you lean over and kiss me, whispering “I love you”
and I realize once again, this is
*the true magic of the evening
Good night Beautiful
 Jul 2015
Cullen Donohue
On the floor
Of an unfinished treehouse

I stare into
The glow
Of a Wednesday

My sketch pad
And a few
Unfinished books
Scattered around me
Some are fiction
Others not.

I stare into the
The ever lightening
Sky, searching
For inspiration.

She took that with

I lost a sense of
What beauty is
When I no
Longer woke to
Her eyes.

Poems and sketches sit
half finished
And I lie half
-- of what I was.

In a world that
Has such a complete
Of every
 Jul 2015
K Balachandran
They would sneak out quietly in dark nights,
walk to the desolate beach slowly hand in hand,
and lie supine on damp white sand soaked in star light,
shedding from light years afar,counting stars as if it's their job,
wasn't that an esoteric ritual, prelude to a cosmic trance?

Love gifted a stole to keep them warm,
to her it was him and to him it was only her all along,
and on the sand bed in such nights they got to know secrets,
from the  galaxies,together they broke taboos of every imaginable kind.

They would wait for the seventh wave from the ocean's mind,
that was the moment they knew each other intimately than ever.
the seventh wave was a gift of pearls from the depth of unknown,
and the sharks were on the shores roaming alive like in fairy tales.

They kept awake for the seventh wind, that did blow promises,
on a space above, they hovered standing naked chest against breast,
the seventh wind told them many things, in to it's essence they delved,
wind, water, fire within, space in between,earth mother holds together,
an awareness , they roamed around the galaxies,wasn't it wonder itself?
 Jul 2015

Like waves upon the evening sea
Reflecting quiet moonlit stares
Washing slow upon the beach
Whispered tides and windswept cares

Breathless I do hold this view
Feeling soft your hand in mine
Walking ‘long this silken sand
Pure emotions intertwine

Footprints wander woven glow
Seashells linger perfect bliss
'Neath a heaven’d starfish shine
Sweet the taste your wondrous kiss

As these moments come to pass
Scattered forth on heartbeat dreams
Alone with you this midnight trace
Lost amidst enchanted beams

I feel at peace, for this I know
Like waves upon the evening sea
As endless as this pristine shore
*Our love shall last eternally
Good night Beautiful
 Jul 2015

She reached for the ribbons of her gown
not knowing why, but she held them in her hand
as she floated through the ever changing mist,
whites and grays in a swirling pattern,
mesmerizing in blends and shifts,
blurred yet possessing a clarity she could not explain
or cared to think about right now

She looked down on herself in her bed sobbing,
clutching tightly a dampened pillow, lonely, missing…
now confused as a peaceful awareness
wrapped about her warmly,

caressing her spirit, washing away the pain,
the sadness, the torment which she fought now to remember
as it drifted below, creating new shadows about her feet
but distant, never forgotten, she couldn’t, it was promised…

Once more the satin ribbons were pulled gently, guided
as if a feather laced kite on a silver string embracing blue skies,
dancing about in the slow rhythm, spun in clouded dreams,
breathless she soars higher, it seems towards the sun
or perhaps a light of a different source, it felt soft, cool
beckoning her and she yearned for it…
for some reason it felt right

Stars swept past her in wiry glistening designs
like a sparkler at a summer cookout waved through the air
in abstract lemonade glowings and apple pie tickles  
and she smiled, for the first time in a long time as the 
moon disappeared on the horizon, embracing this experience
She continued allowing the tender tugs on her ribbons to
move her freely, when she felt something, it was a hand on
hers, helping her hold the ribbons, it felt familiar,
safe, comforting

When she saw his eyes, as clear as she had ever seen anything,
deep and friendly, soothing
just as she had remembered…remembered?
He took her by the hands and he came even more into focus
“Hi there, I have missed you,”  he sighed and she knew it was him
He was here, wherever here was, holding her now as he said,
“I promised I would love you eternally, I couldn't have you then,
so I have waited for you"    
She cried , happy tears as she whispered. “You did, you did, is this…”

“Shhh,” he placed a caring finger to her lips…
*”This is our eternity my love”
Good night beautiful
 Jul 2015

Their faces bounded, fear and strife
For none did want to feign the truth
His precious queen of stolen life
Now taken, lost among the proof

The king he watched through shuttered eye
Seen worries drown of tears long traced
His heart now falling, stoic sigh
Thoughts of all else now erased

With flickered glow, the candle drips
For in does walk the cherished knight
Draining strength to come to grips
As well his tears he longs to fight

He bows his head in slanted flow
Then lifts his eyes to meet the king  
“I’ve saddened news you need to know,
I fear that forth is dark to bring”

“Tell me Knight, what sends this pain,
draped upon expressions worn?”
The blood still trickles, crimson stain
Above the royal crest so worn

“It is the queen, your majesty
the news, your death, an empty throne
in poison fueled insanity
she feared the worse in what she’d known”

The king, now tears did flow his cheek
Trembling lips and shaking hands
A clench of sleeve, still very weak
“Find the shaman,” he commands

“His magic, shall be ending’s cure
with haste now go, as time now past
through forest lone enchanted shore
*and pray a spell he fills to cast.”
Part 4

Part 1: An empty throne
Part 2: An empty kingdom
Part 3: An empty realm
 Jul 2015
Dreams of Sepia
The dreaming watch
is always set to one o’clock

                                                                                                 she talks to stones
collects animal bones & birds eggs

drinks green tea
counts the rain drops  
                                                                       her aged husband always knocks
before he enters her

her younger lover
never does

                                                                                               the Samurai sword
hangs on the wall, expectantly

the dreaming watch
is always set to one o’clock
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