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 Jul 2015
Paul M Chafer
You cried, when I read you poetry,
Soft sounds of weeping down the telephone,
It was not sad though, no, never that,
A kind of, unexpected happiness had blossomed,
Filling your mind with fragrant words, this is why,
You cried, when I read you poetry.

©Paul M Chafer 2015
For my Muse
 Jul 2015
Nicole Dawn
Why is it
That the biggest hearts
Are emptied the fastest?

And the brightest souls
Are blackened
The quickest?
 Jul 2015
I am a composer
of poems
and a conductor
of musings,
The words,
a symphony of wonder
in rehearsals,
fall flat
at showtime,
but still
they sound sweet to me.
And so I dance.
 Jul 2015

Solitude soothes
this a warm June evening
along a drowsy lake
just you and me
and the moon,
watching ripples
upon the water
playfully reflect the
beautiful night sky

A pine tree canopy
allows twinkling stars
to peek quietly
between a mosaic
of wind woven branches,
as soft breezes
whispers nature’s
love songs gently
upon our skin

We sit amidst this
tranquil serenity,
gazing into each other’s eyes,
feeling our hearts beat
in harmonic rhythm
with graceful mesmeric
waves kissing the shore,
as we fall in love
all over again...

just you and me
*and the moon
Good night Beautiful
 Jul 2015
LB Parker
I have become very uninterested
in a life without you.
With love, kelsey
 Jul 2015

For this of castled velvet throne
A queen does weep a single tear
Bleak shadows of this night have grown
To cast upon her heart this fear

Reflection polished marble floor
Her silhouette of humbled reach
Now shutters via nightmare’s pour
Alone of bridges fought to breach

Beyond the window valleys sleep
Soft candle flame in slumbered night
Flickering her pain felt deep
Burning through in cautioned light

An empty throne aside her heart
Its warmth now chilled of worried feel
That day her love he did depart
Read messages to long conceal

Her single kiss of cherished due
A farewell bid, pled safe return
Lost amidst this sorrowed view
And loneliness again did burn

As if the dawn had been his shield
In misty haze on moor’s harsh breath
Of forest frame it had concealed
A moment quick of arrow’s death

She takes this single tear she’s cried
Into a glass of liquid clear
This droplet of her love applied  
Her broken heart to wish him near

And brings this potion to her lips
Such bitter taste slow going down
A whispered hope in swallowed sips
To then remove her saddened crown

Upon his throne of gold now rests
She breathes one final moment pure
Her eyes now close of wishful quest
*To be with her sweet king once more
 Jul 2015

A full moon shines
this cloudless sky
and watches as
I pass it by

While riding on
a shooting star
that’s taking me
to where you are

Neath heaven’s gaze
illumined bright
so I may bring
my love this night

It matters not
where you might be
as long as you
will wait for me

I’m flying fast
as I can go
if you look up
you’ll see my glow

That’s me up there
so high above
now floating down
with all my love

So hopefully
you'll open wide
your heart so I
may land inside
Good night Beautiful
 Jul 2015
AK Bright
What is it that holds the oceans back
or makes the flowers bloom
what is it that hangs with precision the sun
and makes it to chase the moon

What is it that makes us savor love
and makes our minds to dream
what gives a baby his first breath
and just the right air to breathe

What makes us long for something more
Contentment, a school boy's crush
We chase it around 'til we think it's cornered
But it always escapes in a rush

We're all searching for something deeper
Something beyond our mortal power
We won't find it in our vices
Or atop the Ivory Tower

I found the answers in eternal hope
And everything unseen
My treasures lie on the other side
This life is but a dream
 Jul 2015
She believes in happy things
Invisible beings with fairy wings
Fluttery butterflies make her dance
An endless game of happenstance
Eyes of wonder, transparent soul
The world is cruel but she doesn't know...

She greets me with smiles from ear to ear
To hold her heart I solemnly swear
Gentle touch soothes the soul
In her presence I turn to gold
She holds my restless heart at bay
As she executes her innocent ways...

Her plans get lost in the making
A pouty face when she's faking
Empty cups of invisible tea
Cartoon bandages when she bleeds
Shelves filled with eyes that stare
She loves her tattered teddy bear...

Crayon drawing of sunny skies
She draws me with big wide eyes
Read me a story, she hands me a book
It's past her bedtime but she gives me that look
I tuck her in and read her asleep
And pray my love she'll always keep...
Traveler Tim Jun 30, 2015
 Jul 2015
poetessa diabolica
She meekly chased after
nonexistent moonbeams
  in rose fashioned pipe
       dreamt illusions,
as visual stimuli to
        rock her existence
of inklings' stark impressions
  inciting some exertion
       in her bland universe,
she was ever so ordinarily dull
even her reflection in the
    deepest sapphire seas,  
  appeared as drab dishwater
she lived in a world of her
   own fabricated deception
still, she wondered why every
   impaled consequence was an
   arranged shade of washed-out gray
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