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 Mar 2017
Poetic T
You wept, in solitude of my voice
thinking that you had a choice.
Did I call out under a white cloud
seemingly thoughtless only proud.

Appreciative of the seclusion that
stung upon my flesh like bee stings
that never penetrated upon my flesh.
My mind is a fever of knife stitches.

But I will never let you rhyme upon
my mind, it is  levelled on the bygone
motion of what you versed on my reflection
and I grew stronger in this misdirection.

I was a star that shone beyond your torment
rising above you shooting star of your descent.
You feel while I rose. You were extinguished in
parting but I lived on I was a star that burned bright within.
My stepdad was a ****... ill never tell my brother :( I don't want to douse his image of his dad that makes me dead inside some time... I'm stronger but even suns dim...
 Mar 2017
Poetic T
I touched upon her, piercing sorrows
                 wept upon my memories.

She said nothing but her silence
                           spoke volumes..  

*Here Lies.....
20 word piece
 Mar 2017
Poetic T
Translucent effigies that clings to the oxidized
moments of its demise, observing the stillness
that attains this refection of what lingers beneath.

Tattered memories motion that which stagnated
without even a whimper. Never noticing the kiss that
befell this motionless existence. "She only looks on.

They paraded their breath upon the tracks, she
could taste every motion of life as it exhaled.
But this wasn't the time, luminosity was woven
on the scenery where she was dened existence.

Wailing upon the verses of breezes, she let herself
be felt as leafs paper cut on delicate flesh.

Blood fell like snowdrops on her vacant shadows
of nothingness feeding her displeasure for what
had perspired on her now idle imposition.

Waiting on the lingering precipice of her emotions.
they were swaying within the moments of the breeze.

This line of the dead where no motion visits, she is static
to catch this train of thought, but stands still always waiting.

This line of the dead, where no motion visits, she's static
to catch this train of thought, but stands still always waiting.
 Mar 2017
Poetic T
My taste buds are in

For ill never taste a mouthful of
Grandmothers recipes...

*"I Miss You,
 Feb 2017
Pauline Morris
So it began, my life of pain
Covered in shame
Step-dad laid his claim

So it began, my life of woe
Down the rabbit hole
Some known how the story goes

So it began my life of tragedy
It happened so rapidly
It is now my woven tapestry

So it began, my life of regrets
Sadly it's not over yet
Impaled daily on life's bayonet

©Pauline Russell
 Feb 2017
Poetic T
Fists were verses of obsession,
every impact was a sentence of
relentless frustration of laminations
that impacted harder on a heart
than a word ever could.

"I only hit her once,

And I'm the monster,

**"She broke my heart with no words,
Its more likely for a man to suffer abuse from a spouse but because of the negative macho model expected men can suffer as much as a woman...  abuse by wither isn't love its control
 Feb 2017
Jessica Lima
'Mommy, why are you so sad?'
My daughter used to say.
She was always so sick and frail
And I watched her fade away.

Her weight in my arms
One day turned to dust.
Words of love and comfort,
Suddenly were not enough.
 Feb 2017
I lost it all
It's a hard thing to say.
Now I'm all alone
On this Father-Less Day.
I made a mistake
That made my woman leave.
Now it's Father's Day
& I'm alone to grieve.
I grieve for the loss of my sons
The apples of my eye.
Being without them
On this day
Makes me break down & cry.
I failed my family
I pushed them away.
Now I can't celebrate with them
On this Father's Day.
When I call my own father
He'll be so happy.
I'll talk to my dad
Will my children call me?
My wife always told me
As a husband you're terrible.
The mood swings I was having
Made life with me unbearable.
She said I was so much into my boys
Sometimes she felt forgotten.
Since the day they were born
I spoiled them rotten.
She said I am a great daddy
Fatherhood was a great fit for me.
Too bad I did give our marriage
That much energy.
My sons were my identity
They were with me all the time.
It's hard being without them
I'm losing my mind.
They are my first thought when I wake up
My last thought when I sleep.
I feel like something's missing
I feel incomplete.
This is going to be a bad day
I see that already.
My prayer to My God is:
 Feb 2017
I will hold you
When you feel most
 Jan 2017
Pauline Morris
I have rotted on the vine
No one plucked me before I died
Now I'm just fermented fruit
I am feeling mighty minut
I guess it is now my time
Just feed me to the ***** swine
They will slurp me like expensive wine
I'll make them feel mighty fine
At lest then my flesh well have served a purpose
My carcass won't have been totally worthless

©Pauline Russell
 Jan 2017
Marie Lancaster
Breath in
Breath out
That's all I can do right now
When my heart is torn
In two
No words left
Nothing to mend
This brokenness inside

Breath in
Breath out
Fake a smile
Keep from crying
All the while dying inside

It'll all be okay
But knowing it won't

His touch
Wanting to feel the warmth
He brings in my soul

Breath in
Breath out
Only thing to do
When you have nothing
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