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 Apr 2015
Seán Mac Falls
Sunshine and petrol
Summer essence in the breeze
Green lawns freshly mowed
 Apr 2015
Seán Mac Falls
Her unshelled skin shocked
Iridescent stars and moons
Shucked of her clothes
 Apr 2015
Brenden Pockett
My room, painted pink
By filtered light and pollen
Breathes better than me.
 Mar 2015
Seán Mac Falls
Our gold horizons
Thinking what became of love
Lone cloud, empty sky
 Mar 2015
S R Mats
The world in a cup-
So eager am I to sup
That I bring two straws
could not decide if this was senryu
 Mar 2015
Seán Mac Falls
The moon held me down,
Then your shining face swept me,
Now, I rise with sun.
 Mar 2015
the times today make
you crave acceptance from the
society at large
 Mar 2015
Poetic Artiste
Things may be better,
When the worst is left unsaid,
Or so I had thought.
 Mar 2015
Mo Rojas
midnight thoughts about
a man that will never be mind won't rest
 Mar 2015
Mo Rojas
love, please breathe me in
like fresh peppermint tea leaves
I want to be yours
 Feb 2015
Ronnie James Corbin
I'll throw a penny
Softly to the wishing well
Waiting for release
A haiku I guess
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