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 Mar 2016
Victoria Jennings
I joke and say good morning sunshine
But you don't realize
That I'm only waking up for you
Because you're my sunshine
Because in the darkness that is me
You brighten everything.
 Jan 2016
Arlo Disarray
He says he doesn't like palm trees
but that's okay with me
I'm fonder of pines, and oaks and cedars anyhow
There's only one thing that really matters, now
And that is that he hears me when I speak

He spends his days driving from town to town
While my feet root into the same rotten ground
And as he goes home to a house in the hills
I go home to a hole
next to a row of other holes
in a disgusting land of waste
and hate
and pain

He says that I'm beautiful,
but when I finally crack open
and it's known what's inside;
that I'm not filled with candy, but a swarm of angry bees astray from their hive,
will he still see the beauty that he says is in my eyes?
 Oct 2015
Antoinette G
My sobs abruptly end
When the loud heavy trod of
booted feet are heard walking down the hall
Eyes wide, my eyes roam quickly
around the room
There must be somewhere I can hide?
A barren room is my answer
My heart beats faster as the thumps get closer
Why is he home so early?
I scramble out of bed
Quickly brushing the tears off of my face
The thumps cease right in front of my door
The click of a lock is heard
With a creak my door slowly opens
Eyes wide I look into the face of the person
Who has turned my life into a living hell
He was suppose to be my Knight
But has turned into my Prisoner
He smiles sweetly at me
my stomach twist into knots
There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Plastering a smile on my face
I greet my father
 Jul 2015
Nicholas Cassidy
I have fallen harder
i have loved deeper
i have kissed with passion
i have ****** out of love
i have been broken
i have been pushed around
i have ****** out of hate

i have nothing left.

i now put my heart in a vault
the steel walls protect it
doesn’t let anyone in
doesn’t let anything out
“Practice safe *** they say”
Keeping my heart in this vault
Practices safe love.

the key to this vault?
its been thrown away so many times
i couldn’t tell you where it is
one day i will find it again.
until then i will practice safe love.
 Jul 2015
Bows N' Arrows
Give me your left pale palm!
( Left palm always )
Heart lines and life lines
You have a (wrinkled) square!
Seems like a fire hand to me;
I have an air hand myself...
Your very wealthy, or
You have the potential to become so..
Your still learning evolutionary lessons regarding
What true wealth is
I feel like...
Your mother figure? She seems sad..
He nodded and understood..
He nodded and explained..
I have revealed many things via
Intuition! And
If we weren't too drunk and high
he'll remember my crystal predictions!
His exuberant face trembled at truth;
"He almost knew me"!!!
This dude asked me to read his palm last night, he freaked out
 May 2015
I stand here

As the world spins.

What am I doing wrong?
Why will nobody help me?

I try so hard to figure this out
This mystery of life
Why some are accepted
While others are cast out

I belong to the outcasts

I stand here and watch
Nobody pays attention to me
A broken hurting little girl
Unless I get in the way
Then it's a swift kick to the curb
Learn your place
You are not welcome here

I wish I could flip a switch
Make things right
Know how to fix the wrongs
Turn evil into good

But life is not a light switch.
 May 2015
chloe hooper
you are the cruelest person I've ever
met but my heart still beats really
fast whenever I think about 
you. I'm afraid if I touch 
you I'll burst into 
flames again. my 
hands haven't stopped shaking since you
left and I never got to thank you for teaching me the meaning of the word
hurt. I found my 
poems at the bottom of your
garbage can and I still can't 
sleep alone. I 
kissed you a lot, and sometimes, you kissed me

your skin rings up memories of moonlight and 
granite, a gaping
desert lying open like
it's as vulnerable as
you when it gets
dark. you have a murderous look in your
eye but you never broke a hair on my
head, you saved every phone log of every time I ever
called you. i heard your last girlfriend got arrested for domestic 
abuse and you never wrote to tell me. did it
hurt you more than 
I could? I hope you found what you were
looking for out there and I hope you never
lose it unless you
want to. 

something about your
eyes makes me want to know everything about the middle of the
night, I watch you
move and I whimper inside my
head. I haven't touched you in what seems like two whole
lifetimes, if I ever even did at
all. I hope I can again some
day. years later and your music stillI makes my ears
raw. I hope that bullet didn't
hurt too bad, I hope 
it brought you the happy. I'm sorry I never

we are a modern day romeo and juli
et, it took me two 
years to realize how lovely your
lips looked and I'm still wrecking 
barriers, I'm still 
damning christ. my best friend has made it
clear she does not want me as a 
sister. I wish they'd let me
love you because you, you are all I've got
left. I might be the bullet but I will never be the
shooter, I'll take everything on
myself. you are so fragile and i am so 
ugh nt
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