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 Nov 2014 chris m
Dancing by,
A dead eyed darling,
As passersby cry out her praises:
"Such energy!
Such passion!"
She shrugs out a smile
As her shoulders start
Collapsing in on themselves.
Wear long sleeves
To disguise decaying flesh
And frankincense and myrrh
To disguise inevitable death,
Shaking hands with toothy monsters
And hand-made paperweight professionals
Who enter the threshold of accidentally
Pulling off a frail finger.
Pinned to a board of ages,
Chronically captured chronologically wrong:
"You seem so much older! You are so mature!"
Placing, onto fifth-grade-science-project bones,
A corset of expectations and
A garter of gold,
The tiny bird of a girl
Can't hear her songs over the
Sound of her body giving up.

Bury your wishes for me next to my corpse.
I am a human who people (sometimes by accident and sometimes on purpose) make into a magical fairy on a pedestal because I am very good at convincing people that I have my **** together. I do not have my **** together.
 Oct 2014 chris m
talia rose
Like  an unyielding wave of  emotion and ecstasy,
mysterious perplexity,
left breathlessly astonished by this sensation of  unidentified bliss.
Dumbfounded and taken aback
there isn't a crack
in this wall of love that emerges from a light,
this is not a feeling I would ever fight
fueling these intense impulses and mind boggling feelings
each layer of this flower petal is peeling
It is concrete, this love
a stone set certainty aimed for the stars,
blood pumping wind gusts and fast paced cars.
This  inexplicable sureness floats in the streams of twisting dreams
dancing in my head
painting each wall red.
intuition at it's finest, for there is no mistake
every corner of this world would quake
if what I'm saying did not deem true.
It is concrete, this love
nor a fantasy or an illusion, I will never be freed of,
*this concrete love.
 Oct 2014 chris m
 Oct 2014 chris m
I know my life brings me perilously close to Death,
To the mother from whose dark womb we are bourne and returned.

Every day I dance with Mortality.
We waltz round the house.
I feel her fingers lock round my neck.
My fingers dig into her waist.
Our gazes lock,
And I peer into her eyes reflecting sweet grassy hills of surrender
And I say to her
... Not today.
She will retreat for a moment, but
Soon, in the dead of night, she will slap me awake
And I will wrestle her to the floorboards.
But by the time the sky begins to bleed mauve
She will have sublimated.

Her vapor follows me still.

Have you ever gone fishing with your dad?
Have you pierced the animal by its lip
And fought to drag in its body, thrashing wildly and gasping for air,
Eyes wide and wet?
It stares into you,
And it stares into me.

And my father, screaming at me!
My father! And his “scary eyes,”
I cried to my mother.
Shh, sweetie, soothed my mother,
His eyes are the same as yours and mine.

Years later
I know this to be false.
His eyes are glaciers threatening to crack.

But sometimes, only sometimes, my springtime permeates through to his eternal winter
And slowly, snow begins to melt
And slides down his cheek.

Oh, Father
Do not repeat what you have so desperately wished to forget!
Do not isolate me.
You cannot afford another winter
And neither can I.

My roots are reaching, but as to where, I do not know.
Stretching ever deeper, ever further
Grappling in the darkness, prying into soil
Searching for just a little sustenance
A little sustenance, to keep me going,
Just for now.

Chords strike in time with my own heatbeat
Spirit in body quivers like the strings of violins.

Let me soak in the pool of your one thousand resentments
Your hundred sorrows
And your only disappointment.

Come and let me cry tears of liberation
Like the red and white of the flag you hold so dear
Streaking down my face,
My eyes two stars that proclaim

Do not tell me I am in danger,
I have long known this to be true.
It is only in the retrospect of lives past
That we we wish we had been different.
I swear I am not the past.
 Oct 2014 chris m
And the light on her face
And did you ever know
What I would do for her?
It slapped my flesh one morning as I rolled out of bed and collided with the cold linoleum floor.

That any moment spent in the direction of her honest gaze
Is  honey to my spirit.

Her every breath declares,
I am still here.
But does your breath speak like hers?

Warm autumnal breezes catch the air in her throat
And I know, my darling, I know what you are thinking.
But time does not exist in space anymore -
The earth has circled the sun nearly thrice.

And that night -
Do you remember?
A plastic bowl filled with steaming quinoa and black beans
Stood on your desk for hours, slowly growing cool
When our glassy eyes shattered and burst forth a flood to break the drought that the thousand trees of our suffering had long endured.

I wasn’t there, almost three years ago now
And every atom comprising molecular compounds comprising cells comprising specialized tissues and organs and this thing we call “ourselves” –
Every atom howls in despair that I did not know you, three years ago.

Three years –
Enough time for a blue moon to disappear and slowly rise once more.
But I so desperately hope it is not as solemn and shadowed as the last.
Three years –
Enough time for a soul to be conceived, gestated, born, and begin to open itself to the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to
But also the joys
The unprecedented bliss
And the beauty of a life unfolding exactly as it will be.

If even one tenth of this burden you carry, my dear,
I could lighten with the ultimate sacrifice –
In just one moment
I would.

Your hair is the thick, tangled stuff on moonlight flowing down vertebrae built of pure grace.
You watch as crisp grey snow
Floats gently
Through thick air;
Rides each supple breeze to its fullest extent,
Eventually resting on your strands of liberation
You breath deeply
And you welcome it.

But like the journey of this crisp, gray ash, nestled lightly atop your crown,
I shall become boundless
I shall transcend all natural limits
So that you may find your peace.
Every single part of me
Promises every single part of you
That we will break these shackles
And you shall know freedom entirely.
 Oct 2014 chris m
I'm gonna be
Ebola for Halloween,
Watch out *******.
Burning my popcorn is
The reason I have trust issues.
Being dressed in theme
Quadruples your chance of getting laid.
Nothing makes me feel manlier.
I feel so unaccomplished in life.
Is anyone else afraid of
Ending up alone?
Every other night
I question my choice of major,
If I will be able to get a job.
I have to be successful because
I love expensive ****.
When life gives you lemons
You paint that **** gold.
If you're trying to find
A ******* Tinder...
Tinder is pointless.
Virginity drinking game.
Boys in a tent who are waiting,
Can I come in?
Having fun isn't hard when
You've got a library card.
To whoever left a flower on my bike last night,
Reveal yourself so I can
Give you the biggest hug.
That made my day.
I made this out of a bunch of posted "Yaks" on the app Yik Yak from my university.
 Oct 2014 chris m

Your work may be there too :( I hope not, it's so soul destroying)

From the above Facebook Page

Sincere Apologies posted August 22 belongs to Brittney Anne

Loving  You of Loving Me posted August 15 belongs to Teema

Her Mothers Perfume Resembles Her Anger posted August 14 belongs to Abbey Cole

and there are more from here...

Just Ask A Good Woman She Knows Pain Beyond Limits posted August 11 belongs to Jeffrey Conyer

and I could go on and on but it seems everything they have posted and claimed for their own comes from this site...

Just had to file a DMCA takedown with Facebook because this person removed all my comments but not my poem!!!

All their work is stolen from here so make sure you go and have a look to make sure your work is not there!!!

I ******* HATE these parasitic people!!!!
 Oct 2014 chris m
au milieu de
 Oct 2014 chris m
Seesaw dreams,
crocodile streams,
high beams to
low blows,
whipped cream and
curled toes.
no, I
rescind my
dissent but will
present myself
to the door
once more.
Face meets
bobcats snore,
man beats
Coffee poured
into the seats
of a chewed up
Delorean, beauty
beats itself
brutally into the palms
of my hands.
See-through plans,
call the boys
to the stands,
bludgeoning the
fruit fly to
death with a
frying pan.
Flying garbage
cans, eat
your heart
out, eat
your heat out
gladly and
with gusto.
I must know
I must know
which way
the stars blow
through atmospheric
throws of ball
to bat,
universal yarn
to cosmic cats.
 Oct 2014 chris m
Joanna Oz
darkened dreams
lead to clouded thoughts
and misplaced steps
of hazy intention.

twisted down underneath
gilded dreams of demise
don't you let the demons rise
out from the land of maybes.

well this turned out exactly
how you thought it'd never be.
giggle and throw that heavy head back
now forward into another drag
of a cigarette laced with promises
of eternal pleasure, endless bliss -
you know it'll never be this color again.

the first is the sweetest darling -
all that follows is singed with
disappointment, or discontent.
pour another dissonant tone into my cup
and i'll drink it right up
drowning my expectations
in sweet, sensuous sorrow.

but hopes are easy to borrow,
and i'll sign up for two thousand
just to watch them fall again and again
into utter darkness-
i know the game of muffled secrets
too well to spill this toxic dump
so lets keep pushing the buttons, harder
til the pump steams in overdrive,
and my scarred scaly skin
is burned, cleansed, and shed.
 Sep 2014 chris m
Jon Elfers
slur your words,
as bottles pile onto bottles,
and the dreams you love,
have come to haunt me,
glowing orb,
orbiting around you,
keeping you away from the storm,
that pours from your mother's eyes,
about how her two lovers have died,
Her wailing drowned out,
over the buzzing beating plastic world,
created by by gones gone by,
of the greatest generation,
who died to produce,
the cubical living room,
we use to be gods,
on our virtual battle ground,
where we now stand,
face to face,
I stand with solidarity,
with your mother's loss,
climb into the life raft,
before the storm gets you,
and you drown in your flood gates,
that have rotten with filth,
you freely dump into your mind
 Aug 2014 chris m
Hannah F
Tongues clicking, watches ticking,
pens tapping, power snapping.
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing,
the same thing, over and over,
the same thing.
Gum popping, smiles stopping.
Expecting a new result from a singular action, repeated.
Chains turning, blood churning,
tongues clicking, smiles stopping.
They say
the same thing, repeated,
me to listen.
Written August 25, 2014 for CAMP poetry. Scrawled while sitting in my car outside of a dollar store (no relation to the subject matter but a fun point by which to remember it)
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