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Pondering if I can be forgiven and free
Knowing I deserve to be drowned in the sea
Searching for something to assuage the pain
Hoping out of this something beautiful I gain.

Mistrusting of people around me everywhere
People only curse; not love, not care
Bewildered why I must go through life alone
With paralyzing silence and no friend to phone.

Yearning to break free of my destructive addictions
Rebuking Satan's false and furtive jurisdictions
I embrace the crucifixion and fall to my knee
Beholding my King who died to set me free.

Then kneeling at the cross, the sky breaks with dawn
My tears and my pain are surprisingly gone
As the Son bursts forth in glorious light
Obliterating the dark and malevolent night.
A poem I wrote a few months ago when I was growing through a struggle; I never gave up hope and I got through it :)
If you're struggling, don't give up. Never lose faith. Every trial you come out of only makes you stronger. It'll be ok ;)
by your skin
Your boyish-ness
Your adorability.
Your difference
By the fact that you're the opposite of my type
And the opposite of what i'm used to
You're different
You're the bad boy
You do things that i'd never dream of doing
You've done worse
And you know both the high and the low
Yet you never encourage it
You deter others from it
While you still own it
You're not ashamed
You're open, yet mysterious
You're a book full of secrets
That's only exposing the tip of the iceberg
I don't really know what it is
But you're pulling me in
All you were at first was a *******
The only interest i had in you was physical
But now..
Now i want all of you
The fact that you're a grenade
A ticking time bomb
Makes me feel afraid, anxious
All the while making me feel safe
And comforted
Because you're just like me
Yet you're different completely
It's amazing
You're enticing.
We both traced the constellations
those that were unknown
the stars danced to a different tune last night
Those we called our own
The astronomers stencilled each complicated line
With our bare hands we scratched each curve
We may have not  heard yet
We've built a universe of our own
It's just wrong to compare. Watch how we change history.
Some keep me hidden
others bring me to the light,
I fight for justice and peace at mind.
Through sorrow and pain I am also found.
You say to others, “The Truth shall set you free,”  
but all along you’ve kept Me locked in a cage.
Enslaved by your own lies,
They became your own refuge, your only escape.
On the other hand, I am certain, simple and gentle, never hurtful,
I fight for justice and peace at mind.
While some keep Me hidden and others bring Me to the light,
My name says it all, I am the Truth
My word will set the Way- to the Truth- in your Life.
Don’t hide me, bring me to the light.

Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
Are you an illusion or do you really exist?
Enemy or ally? Friend or foe?
Do I take you for granted or you use as a gift?
Uncertain of your loyalty in the end we’ll know.
Legacies you create often become forgotten
I’ve seen when you’ve ignored those asking for help
Leaving them helpless buried beneath the bottom
They would have been better off asking someone else
Why do you slow down our sorrows, speed through our joys
I’ve seen you be cruel to those that abuse you
When you’re at war for peace what weapon do you deploy?
It’s confusing who rules who, do you rule us or do we rule you?
You have to appreciate what you get, lonely or loved people will forget
But  you aren’t responsible for humanities regrets.
Poetry isn't just words, Poetry has meanings behind every word, poetry is emotions, its your escape to everything.

When you hear the word Poetry, what do you do, what do you think?

When I hear the word Poetry, I always try to understand what its trying to say, I let every word reach out to me. I close my eyes and relax while listening to every word, every meaning, every emotion, but most of all I connect with it and let it take me away to all kinds of places.

Poetry is my Escape
Sorry its not really a poem but just remember that Poetry is not just a bunch of words put together to make a sentence or a rhyme but Poetry is peoples emotions, every word has a meaning behind it and all you got to do is close your eyes and understand it, understand, discover what the meaning to the poem is, try to relate, understand the persons emotions or surroundings but if you really want to connect with it just sit down relax your body and close our eyes.
P.S. My favorite thing to do while reading Poetry is sitting in my chair or rocking chair with a cup of tea and some biscuits beside me, its the best thing maybe try that next time you go to read Poetry ^-^
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