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I am not a color.
I am a human,
Just as you are.
Why can't you see that?
Each and every day;
I meet someone new,
Take them with me
To send them away.
They all knew me.
Knew me by name,
Yet they don't know
The one curse I carry.
No matter who I meet,
No matter who I like;
I cannot settle
I cannot love.
My curse is that;
I, the Grim Reaper
Must be forever LONELY.
The room spins
One person becomes three
Logical thoughts
Now becomes nonsense
I can't walk straight
I fall off the bed
Excessive laughter
Slurred words
Confused looks
All leads to lack of judgement
And a lot of regrets
We talk
We laugh
We Cry
We argue (a lot)
We fight
We love
You are my best friend
As time goes by,
I pray to see you again
We are so close
You protect me
As I protect you
May this friendship thrive
My precious Lauren
When I am in pain,
I cry for You.
When I do wrong,
I beg forgiveness.
Every single Sabbath;
I yearn for You.
When good things come,
I praise myself.
When you call,
I ignore You.

When I'm lonely,
I ask for You.
When my faith is weak,
I look towards You.
When I used to think,
I thought of You.
When I am upset,
I forget You.

When You died,
You died for me.
When I cry,
You comfort me.
When I'm troubled,
You help me.
When it rains,
You Shelter me.

I see the wrong I've done.
I should lose my chances.
Yet You keep me,
Because You love me
When You call,
I shall respond.
When you ask of me,
I will give unto Thee.
For You deserve
All the Glory
Only for You my Lord,
I *Surrender
The things I've done
The things I've said
The tears I've shed
Do they know?
The actions I took
The ones I've touched
The ones I hurt
Do they know?
All these decisions
Led to this thought
Do they know?
I hope they don't.
Sitting alone
Watching the leaves
Closing my eyes
Thinking of her
Thinking of me
Here in this cool
Calm Autumn Breeze
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