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Silly little girl,
Don't fool yourself,
You've seen your scars,
Just don't want to help,

Little do they know,
How much could change,
With three little words,
*Are you okay?
 Feb 2015 chrissy c a
 Feb 2015 chrissy c a
Sat sipping whiskey at 3am
Because it reminds me of you
As I remember
Your smile
Your taste
Your tongue
I realise this is not the bourbon I crave
That can only be found on your lips
sweetened by your kiss.
 Feb 2015 chrissy c a
Melissa Ann
If you need me
at 4:00am
but never at 2:00pm,
If you call me "sugar"
but never "my love"
and the sweet things you say just float up above
like cigarette smoke
gone with the wind
then I need to walk
as far away
as my heart will allow
And forget this sin.
 Feb 2015 chrissy c a
 Feb 2015 chrissy c a
She's the kind of girl you fall in love with
and have no clue why
before you know it
a day without her seems unbearable
and you'll find yourself saying "I think i love you"
You'll find yourself in auto pilot driving to her house
at 4 a.m
feelings you never thought was possible surfaces
then suddenly
things wont "Aren't working out"
your bones will ache
even months laters when someone says her name
 Feb 2015 chrissy c a
 Feb 2015 chrissy c a
I keep being told
I need to be more positive
Can't you see that I am trying
I am honestly trying
But it's so hard
When all you can see
Is the dark in everything
Or those demons
That haunt your memories
It's so difficult
When your only enemy
Is yourself
And all of your doubts
Crowd your mind
It's really tough
When nobody can see
How much effort
You put into being happy
And always smiling
It's so hard
When they can't see
How much your trying
To be positive
*Honestly, I am trying
as a daughter
she sacrifices
her first love
to see you smile

as a sister
she sacrifices
her chocolate
so that you
would be happy

as a girlfriend
she sacrifices
her close friend
so that she could
spend time
with you

as a wife
she sacrifices
her freedom
so that she could
help you

as a mother
she sacrifices
her sleep
so that you could
sleep in peace

as a mother-in-law
she sacrifices
her own daughter
so that you live
a happy life
please guys respect the ladies in your life for they are sacrificing something at this very moment just to see you smile.
make her feel that she is special, because someday when she feels down
at least you could say she was always special in your heart.
 Feb 2015 chrissy c a
i remember the mornings when you would go out of your way to talk to me even for a short while
i remember the 'what's wrong's falling out of your mouth each time i grew quiet
i remember your curiosity over the words i wrote in my notebooks
i remember you trying to fix the problems i had for me
you were always pushing me to be better

but here we are with my ignorance and your arrogance
gone was the sweet guy i met
gone was the naive girl you met
and with that come the silence that is slowly deafening me

but all of the heartache i feel now
cannot compare with all the happiness you gave me
i'm not okay now, but soon i will be
i hope this is my last poem about you
 Feb 2015 chrissy c a
For a minute
I actually thought I was okay
And then
I heard that song
The one we danced to
In the moonlight
Under the stars
At midnight
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