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  Aug 2019 Chelsea Rae
You are my unsent message.
The cursor blinking rhythmically,
With my heartbeat,
For me to hit send.
But I am not ready,
And I’m not sure if I ever will be
So I left it like that.
Unsent. Unseen. Unread.
“I miss you.”
  Jul 2019 Chelsea Rae
I was asking him a question.
He kept a straight face,
Never looking at me,
No response whatsoever,
Or any indication that he heard me.

And I,
Knowing fairly well,
That I EXIST as an individual,
Started questioning my existence.
Why do I need approval from others to feel my own existence?
  Jul 2019 Chelsea Rae
Isn't it crazy to think
some people have a whole other world to deal with inside of them
a world that may stop them from living the outside world
Just a little thought I turned into a small poem
  Jul 2019 Chelsea Rae
The uniVerse
you confuse me
like I like you
but you use me
so I write you
and you ignore me
then we will talk
and I need more
which makes it awkward
and frustrating
and you’re flirting
but not with me
so it’s hurting
so I’m leaving
for my needs
but I like you
because you’re vulnerable
so I write you
because I’m vulnerable
but you confuse me
when you use me
as a way for you to flirt
with another guy
and it hurts
because I won’t lie
because honesty
is honestly all I have
and if you feel like being honest too
then I’m here to hear what is true.
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