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 Jan 2019 Meredith Ann
tell me if I hear a sound
I can't hear much
the inside of my chest

tell me if
I can hear a word you say
no no
I don't want to

can I hear a sound
I can't hear anything around
maybe it's a curse

wish I could let myself go
even so
it still hurts
 Jan 2019 Meredith Ann
may your tears soak through my skin

                                                           ­            as your head lies on my chest
may your fears pour down my throat

                                                         ­           as your head lies on my *******

                           may i steal some of your nights?
                             as you steal some of my light?

                                                        ­        may your pain be shared with me
as your head begins to rest
I love you,
I say it constantly,
I grasp you tightly,
I don’t want you to leave,
I love you,
The words roll off my lips so easily,
Because I mean it,
I mean it more than ever.
I love you,
I love the way you move,
The way you speak,
The way you look at me.
I love you,
I know things don’t last forever,
But I want this,
Oh how I want this,
To last forever,
I love you,
Never leave.
 Jan 2019 Meredith Ann
Emma Ely
Finding your worth
sounds like
it will feel so good
all the time
but sometimes
it gets lonely
standing by yourself.

And you start to wonder
if its worth it
it would feel so good
to fold myself
into your arms
and welcome you
inside of me.

That is when
you must be strong.
That is when
you must remember
that you are
a Queen.
‌  ‌
   Adorn my shatter'd skull
with mandala

‌  ‌
 Jan 2019 Meredith Ann
One day you won't need love anymore
You'll wake up to your alarm, instead of love's siren song.
Your head will make decisions, not your heart.
You'll laugh and smile, carefree.
The sun will shine.
One day you won't need love anymore.
You won't want or be wanted.
The fall leaves will be a little less bright,
You'll find less warmth on a winter night.
One day you won't need love anymore.
The songs won't sound the same.
You'll have less joy, but still, less pain.
Your heart won't break, but it'll beat less too.
One day you won't need love anymore,
But my dear,
You'll wish you did.
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