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2.8k · Aug 2017
To Give up on a Dream
To give up on a dream is thought to be cowardly
But is it not courageous to dismiss one's hopes in order to dream of something new
Is it not bolder to go where no one has been
Is it not more glorious to achieve that which would otherwise remain  unaccomplished
Are not dreams nothing more than opportunity
With new decisions facing us every moment
As simple as a choice or as complicated as conviction
Then would it not be remarkable to go against one's beliefs in order to reach the greatness waiting to be conceived
In a world forever changing, forever adapting
With days eternally numbered and opportunities nearly infinite
it would be easier to stick to the familiar
But life is like a simple child's game
If you have nothing to challenge you
What you are, what you're made of, and what you believe
Then it would be lacking of fun with no sense of victory
To choose the difficult path is to choose to live
To live a life of fulfillment, a life of glory
If your dreams ever seem too easy or too simple
Then I implore you, dream again
1.2k · Mar 2017
Spacetime Odyssey
I, a Sun casting light
All direction so bright
In search for my Moon,

But the mass of the Earth
So vast in girth
Eclipses her from view

Distances inordinate
A mysterious coordinate
How far is soon

Spacetime is bending
Her presence pending
Great discovery overdue
945 · Sep 2016
Chasing Butterflies
Lonely men chase butterflies
They run and run
Cry and cry

Lost boys chase dragonflies
From here to there
Try and try

Honest men seek a rose
They pick and place
Wilt and waste

Smart boys leave her where she grows
To stay and wait
He appreciates
837 · Jun 2016
Woman of My Dreams
I saw her in my dreams
Out of reach it seems

Her skin like a desert sea
Imperfect bumps and odd curves thrown together flawlessly

Her eyes like vast ocean
Secrets kept deep, passion flowing in stubborn motion

Her heart like lonesome forest
Peace among trees, birds singing joy in breeze or nest

Her voice like calm streams
Soft to the touch, gentle harmony musing hopes and dreams

In my dreams she roams free
Maybe one day she'll find me
741 · Mar 2015
I Would Build
I would build her a garden,
where her beauty could bloom
I would build her a rocket,
and get her the moon

I would build her a vessel,
she could travel the land
I would build her a mansion,
where memories stand

I would build her an island,
somewhere she could escape
I would build her a new world,
any size or shape

I would build her any wish,
make a place of her own
so I built her paradise,
where I live alone
713 · Mar 2016
I Keep Safe
I keep safe, not to gaze upon your pictures past
Yet I stare at your memory whenever my eyes shut tight

I keep safe, all to keep you from my thoughts during day
Yet you live throughout my dreams by night
710 · Sep 2016
It's All Relative
It’s all Relative

The animals
The plants
The people
Life.. in its entirety
Everything that ever is or was
Is relative  to your perspective
                   to your experiences
                   to your actions
                       your thoughts
                       your point of view

No two people will ever see eye to eye
Because one body cannot occupy the same space
As another at the same instance

We may be able to replicate one’s perspective
And empathize to the point of agreeance and compromise
But unless you can turn back time
To relive someone else’s life
You can never see eye to eye

We can share experience
Whether it be through lessons
Or simply experienced simultaneously

Observed at this instance and scale
We can agree that this is eye to eye
But when compiled with all other experiences
The interpretations change

Prerequisite knowledge needed
To process said experience will always be
Different, either through differing lessons
Or different perceptions

Even these small discrepancies, overtime,
Create major contrast between two perspectives

When we study masses of population
We see patterns in beliefs and opinions
This is a simple byproduct of the aforementioned
--Sharing of experiences--

Many of the conflicts that arise in society
Can boil down to the simple system
Of good and evil

When you allow two options posed
On a mass of people, inevitably
A portion will choose option A
A portion will choose option B,
And a portion will remain undecided

Each option posed is both good and evil
But the portion that chooses their respective option
Believe it to be good and the opposition to be evil

This decision is directly relative
To the perspective of the individual
The conclusion of good vs evil
Can be shared, though the reasoning
That led to said conclusion will have differences

The experiences that offer similar conclusion
May and often are similar and even sometimes
Appear to be identical

Most behavior, when directed toward
Another form of life, can be labeled
Good or evil

When boiled down to the
Black and white..
It will either be
One or the other
693 · Apr 2017
A Man With No Country
My first step to quest, I seek county Clare
identity lost, me feel the sea air
In Ireland I stay, a man with no country
I wonder and wander county to county

From Doolin I sail, isles of Aran
Land full of stone so cold and once barren
The locals invite for coffee and tea
I wander and wonder, life by the sea

Next in my journey, find county Kerry
Crossing the Shannon, a trip on the ferry
In Ireland I stay, a man with no country
I wonder and wander county to county

Boat man gives lesson, ‘cross lake of learning
Dock by the Abby, I find peace of yearning
Grounds of Killarney by horse n carriage
I wander and wonder, great mountains marriage

I sit in The Oar House down by the pier
Howth to host, from far or from near
In Ireland I stay, a man with no country
I wonder and wander county to county

I spy an Irish rose, sit by the sea
I know her name, ne’er for me
Admire her beauty I sit from afar
I wander and wonder, who then we are

County Meath holds the once great Raith na Rig
Where the ancients had once all danced a jig
In Ireland I stay, a man with no country
I wonder and wander county to county

I climb atop hills where kings sat on high
Same place they lay once they say their bye
A place where high kings all came to pass
I wander and wonder whom we’ve lost past

I’ll take the rocky road, the only way to Dublin
Fore long I’m found, set with the pub kin
In Ireland I stay, a man with no country
I wonder and wander county to county

Here I will find the black liquidation
Ruby red pint to wrap up a nation
Feasting we drink and laugh about strife
I wander and wonder the glory of life
Chronicles of my holiday in Ireland, lost my passport not an hour after landing, hence the title.. Enjoy!
665 · May 2017
Perpetual Reality
Climb atop the mountain
And gaze upon your world
Focus your sight on nothing
And reality’s unfurled

A simple sea of matter
Caught within a wave of light
All compact, a mote of dust’s
Lazy drift through endless night
519 · Mar 2015
The Angel of My Nightmare
Once upon a midnight dream
to those who most need her gleam
comes an Angel, with no ill scheme
to fix your heart at the seam

When the darkness comes to fight
she appears, to be my light
for when my heart is filled with fright
she comes wielding pure delight

When I see her, no mistake
she has come to cure my ache
her touch is soft, I do not shake
she will stay till I awake

The dark fog tries to embrace
I stay calm; I see her face
protected by her flowing lace
she defeats it with her grace

The darkness stays buried deep
I no longer fear to sleep
no longer do I lay and weep
for its my heart, she will keep
466 · Jul 2017
Broken Wings
You and I are the same
Both struggling to stay sane

Our hearts bruised and battered
Feeling like nothing ever mattered

I need you and you need me
Together we could feel free

If you jumped, I'd jump too
Oh how I'd love to fly with you..
466 · Jan 2018
Mother May I
Mother may I say thanks
For raising me
Not befriending me

Mother may I tell you
I appreciate all you’ve done
You’ve given your all and expected none

Mother may I thank you
For giving me the road map of life
So I may find my own way through strife

Mother may I tell you
You have shown all kindness and love
And I will pass it on like the peaceful dove

Mother may I say thanks
For when i stray as the young tend to do
You always welcome me home
with open arms and hot food
446 · Oct 2017
The Queen of the Stars
I took a stroll with the Queen of the stars
We discussed things that define who we are
Like our place in the grand program of life
This knowledge a curse we both share in strife

Genius of the time; existential insanity
One in the same if you were to ask me
Her smile lets it be, calm and honest
All that is ends, even the flawless

But her beauty remains radiant and immense
A nova of great curiosity and sense
Try to define, it could never be art
There does not exist such questions for heart

Her presence unexpected as the cosmic
Her impression a constant just as chronic
She lives spontaneous as existence itself
Her conscious bares no resistance for self

An afternoon passes as fleeting a moment
The system demands we keep our movement
I hope her orbit swings back around here
Even if it takes yet another year
425 · Aug 2017
Building Bridges
Blood sweat and tears, minutes or years
Build it with metal build it of wood
No matter the cost it has to be good

Make it complex, allow it to flex
Build it to last build with desire
It would still burn after a fire

Emotions run true, storms roll through
Build unintentional build with no ridges
Fallen trees are still the best bridges
406 · Feb 2016
Beth & Rach
As I lay on my bed,
   to the rhythmic melody of the rain
  dancing                  my
                    outside                 window,
             wanders through my memories
             keeping me from the slumber
     I seek during these late hours.

why my mind favors
the sour memories
                                        of betrayal and heartbreak,
                                        of regret and guilt,
I will never understand.

their memories flooding my thoughts,
make rest a foreign concept.  

Do I dare speak their names
to break the silence that
imprisons me only to feel
my insides churn and
my heart ache?  

why do my dreams
                           gift me with
­                                           of
to be kept awake
by the past they've paved?  

why, when all I pursue is happiness,
do my thoughts poison me with sadness.

My dreams reveal what is to come
to my unconscious
                          but not to my conscious.  

My mind only lets me feel
the emotions of the future
                          but keeps from me
                                         what is to happen.
It lets me feel when good will follow
but keeps from me the heartache that
                                                            ­           ends it.

Why do my thoughts poison me so?

My thoughts let me fall

                                               for her
                                                            and trust her completely
                                                            when­ it was aware

                                               of the Betrayal
                                    that was to end
                                    that happiness?

why do my thoughts poison me so?

My thoughts urged me to leave her,

                                                     to feel like leaving
                                                     would help me
                                                                ­    to feel Regret
                                                                ­    with my decision,
                                           to feel like
                             I've made
             a mistake,
to be weighed down
with the guilt that I hurt her
for nothing
      but my

why do my thoughts poison me so?  

I know not
            why my own mind
            is against me

            but in its campaign
            it has renamed

**Betrayal     &      Regret
Once upon a mid night's dream
Flown to me on the cool night breeze
The Trickster Gods of dastardly scheme
Tickled my nose and I had to sneeze

It came sudden and wrinkled my brow
A tingle in suspense, full of might
Far from peace, I sit in agony now
Wishing I could expel this plight

I sit in discomfort, while Gods revel
If this be fate, I curse them angrily
If this be a test, I've no mettle
Then a deep breath to rid insanity

'Fore relief mine, ******* Gods state "bless you!"
So with this breath I retort "**** You!"
368 · Mar 2018
Mi Amor
She is beauty personified,
The moon I adore.
She placed each star onto the sky
I'll watch her paint some more

Her voice so elocuente
I beg for more
How when she says mi nombre
Ella habla en amor

Her gaze deep with romance
I'm lost in her allure
The way we synchronize in dance
I'll take comfort in rapture

Her heart embodies compassion
I always feel her near
Her presence simply satisfaction
Forever hers, I'll stay right here
331 · Dec 2016
Lonely Hearts
Lonely hearts beat the loudest;
They yearn to be heard
They mean to be seen

Lonely nights feel the coldest;
The bed as winter’s head
Conscience as winter's ice

Lonely days seem the longest;
All plans like barren lands
All desires like burning fires

Lonely thoughts are the darkest;
No visions, only excisions
No destiny, only entropy
304 · Oct 2016
Through the Seasons
When leaves fall like people do
Does it feel like flying too

When the snow lays bright as day
Will the warmth come to stay

When all the trees bare their fruit
Will we be as absolute

When the heat completes the cycle
Does it mean love's revival?
278 · Mar 2017
Little Moments
When you live for little moments
Your life becomes worthwhile
you cherish all the little moments
So you'll always be with smile

Like when you see a smile so bright
You know nothing to be so right
And when you hear laughter so pure
That you know, you know for sure

Like when your hands first contact
All your atoms resonate to react
Your energies tie, mix and mingle
Till you feel a butterfly’s tingle

Like when your lips first come to meet
You ignite and radiate such heat
To melt the world till us remain
And together become the cosmos again
255 · Nov 2017
Stop and Smell the Roses
“Stop and smell the roses” they say
But i've learned one must stay away
Roses look nice but stay wary of them
Some flowers hide malice at their stem

I'd rather wander the untrampled trail
In search for the flowers with beauty veiled
Where wildflowers grow unhindered and free
Reigning bright over lands, a royal decree

Like the Lily of the valley, delicate and petite
Her shyness is clear, but to see her a treat
Unaware of her beauty she hides from critique
Many share her name but none as unique

Or the dandelion, golden with ease
She grows where and how she please
Adamant she'll stand for all to see
Beauty confident with the will to just be

And the sunflower standing tall with grace
Her elegance simple and easy to trace
With beauty so pure it can only be right
For all that she seeks is warm sunlight
237 · Jul 2017
Sad Songs (10W)
Love is like a sad song,
It makes you feel
207 · May 2017
Take something, anything
And smash it into everything

When you know nothing
You find meaning
205 · Aug 2017
I sat, late this morning in hopes to diagnose
Perusing precious prose by the babbling brook
A fairy of the forest flew by unbeknownst
As radiant a rose, simple and sly

She stopped down stream while I continued contemplation
For a fleeting flash I felt peace hiding in her heart
As she dipped fingertips into the stream’s serene salvation
The world finally felt whole, like it never fell apart

— The End —