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Nov 2015 · 373
I'm done
I'm tired of opening up and watching my doors get shut/
I'm running in a rut and my feet hurt at every touch/
This is too much I can't deal with this/
I'm healing and I'm never going back to base 1/
I'm going wherever I want and headed there in a straight line/
I have a new mind and I'll be pushing aside anything that comes in my way/
I'm a, person who's hurting yeah you scarred me so deep/
I wake up at 4 sweating I can not sleep/ But I seek rest and Imma get it soon/
I'm headed to that open door/
I'm getting in and sitting on the floor/
I'm getting in and its locking or/
I'm shutting you out I can't hurt anymore//
Nov 2015 · 405
I'm running, I'm running but my lungs hurt and my stomachs worse/
You're words got me falling in the dirt looking like I was tryna look up a skirt/
Now everyone thinks I'm the bad guy cause you stuck out your foot and dropped me/
I oddly thought this was just me falling for you but I probably mistook it for folly/
I see you had me in the ICU with a scalpel to my heart you dared me to move/
I tried to tell you I loved you but you responded by slicing it in two/
Braking half of it and taking the other half with you/
Now all I have is a lesson to remember this November/
An early christmas present since we're close to December/
When you let her enter the center of your emotion/
Make sure she doesn't lack devotion/
Or else shes gonna crack you open/
Leaving you hoping for an open grave with your name already engraved//
Apr 2015 · 338
I can’t not think about you/
But I live everyday knowing I’m so far away from you/
I can’t hug or kiss you and I can’t pretend to be blissful,
Sitting here thinking about how I’m gonna miss you/
I hate how it hurts to love you/

Your glowing smile and beautiful eyes/
Have radiance that surpasses the sunrise/
The beauty that you see in the mirror/
Is nowhere close to the beauty that’s really there/
Cause no one can compete not even your reflection/
To a girl that looks like she was part of Gods finest collection/
If I were to define u in terms of wine/
You would be one that’s been fermented since the beginning of time/
Priceless, an understatement for ur value to me isn’t priced by such mere expressions/
Words cannot describe just how much u shine/
Forget about diamonds I just saw the prettiest one of my life/
I’d live once and die twice just to have u by my side/
You the little angel that swayed me with her smile//
#Teecy thepoet
Apr 2015 · 708
Dear future wife
I’m going to need you to be supportive/
But do correct me if I’m wrong I want to be informed if,/ and when I step over the line/
I won’t say that you have to have that hourglass figure/
Cause I know when I’ll look at you the only figure ima see is 10/
But before then I’ll see a seeker mentally challenging the spiritually weaker that see her,/ and not think to look past her skin to see the speaker amplifying the lions voice even through her demeanour/
Legend has it that all of me for all of you wouldn’t be a fair trade/
I think that’s well said cause I know u’ll be a better person than the one most of my actions made/
Most importantly follow Christ and never part from your ways/
Even if I your future husband sways, always stay rooted so your hands are always fruited/
For one day I will fight for your affection/
Paying no head to the warnings of rejection/
I will ask for your hand and link our souls in heavenly perfection/
But for now I pray for you not to lose your sense of direction//
Oct 2014 · 502
The death of me, will probably be, self-inflicted or come unnaturally. /
My generation has metamorphosized to believe this ideology filled with lies, and grown to despise all things good, all things right/
Holiness is but a mythically unattainable virtue only seen with wise eyes/
And me with my wide eyes open couldn’t even see past sunrise/

Many times I hid behind my Christian face/
My black skin speaking tales of my Christian race/
But then straight after church my rehearsed day begins/
Go to see “that” girl and write Haikus on her skin/
A 3 bar poem about why she’s the one/
Taking hours to come home before the day is done/

The death of me will probably be this doomed society/
Digging pits for their own graves with their words of blasphemy/
Drugs lay waste to what remains of their minds/
Trying to convince them that God exists is like defusing a land mine/
Who am I to try and help, I’m still suffering the same/
Can’t even control the thoughts flooding in my brain/
Had to write this out just to try and stay sane/
Thinking is speeding up now, I’m like that electric train…/

And then I see it/

Tomorrows generation smokes drinks and takes drugs/
Looking everywhere for things to fill the void left by love/
Searching everywhere except above /
They are scanning the sea for a raven not a dove/

This is todays tomorrow, where the truth isn’t believed/
And the generation of that time will choose to live disobediently//
Oct 2014 · 812
APEX predetor
Yo imma Apex Predator, tell me who be my competitor/
Yo imma Apex Predator, I look into the Mirror, that be my competitor/

Do not be mistaken that is not a Prideful statement/
Checking right outta da clinic I'm not virtuous with Patients(patience)/
Misfit in Neighborhoods/ Wood crest I been sub-urban Free Man Opposite of Hood/
feeling like Huey really I'm "understood" like a single lady Target Practice add a "Miss" if you should/
living as a slave drink a cup of His "Blood"/ but I am Not a vampire you can check my diary "cuz!"/
Emotional after a Horror Show/
The genocide a steady toll as I fight for my Soul/
You'll never get me unless you greet me with Fists/
persecution may come imma Radical *******/
I tell em bring it and I pull out a Massive fist/
Ladies are only worried bout how many lips I've kissed/
Never worry imma ******(yes!!) and Pacifist/
Even though I could tongue Twist/ like am An Exorcist/
Not perverted in the Least/
I been fighting with myself forgetting I am a Beast/
Been elated elevated from the bottom to the feet/
So I "kneel " before the Father knowing nothing like"defeat"/
Start a war I be telling em get the Cranium/
Ready for Battle getting Fit in ya Brainy gym/
Challenge intelligence knowing that it is only Him/
I wish a Brother "wood lands"(would land) like the stadium/
Getcha Pride shot I got the Perfect gun /
Verbally assassinate and Hitchu like kasisi Nuns/
The Name Dexter I go Dum dee dee Dum/
Man Up! Lil boy I know that you're somebody's son/
Haa! Told to **** it I was looking for a Bible/
Dead to sin, Walking Dead, a Zombie that you Could stifle/
Die to gain Live for Christ no needing it for a Rifle/
Any body that come forward and Promise to be a Rival/
Fruits of the  Spirit on the  table but your Plate is "Prideful"/
Think you a "Lion" but your lying rocking with mouth full/
Of disrespect do you neglect that you need to recycle/
The sin that Towers you like the Eiffel//
by  my mentor DESTRO
Aug 2014 · 4.1k
In the dark
Darkness invadeth my empty soul/
With and unquenching thirst to watch the world fall/
Society is doomed to the tomb
Cause we dug our own graves/
The manner in which we behave, displays/
How easily we are swayed//
Jul 2014 · 567
for the helluvit
For the helluvit, the hollow wit of an Emcee/ I noticed my character questioned," what exactly is an etiquette story?"/ I could not answer the banter entailed to the name/ and so I word smith as though my cutting pen had pierced the name/ Expression that beckoned a game played/ the mental stage an Arena Athena has still Graced/ Aphrodite the deity seeking only one form of Pay/ but the wages and all its royalties only gain me the Grave/ hey, for the Helluvit, He love it for no reason at all/ had a liking for shallow sentences like," all I know is to Ball"/ and so the Fall, would," leave" him 'miss pro ported'/ the Autumn of automation debatin if she's distorted,/ the vision He had held in Kind/ the mind remains a battle field/ rattle deals with the serpents heel/ what an expression to mention Medusa's gaze is real/ 6 inch High shoes to step on me to squeal/ my spleen splattered as Hades collects a second corpse to feal../ I mean fill, I was literally rhyming /a rhetoric for mythical geeks and nerds who feel time the Timing../ of the note came at a time when/ life just took a turn for the logical practice/ philosophical addict/ tell em get it straight , or lay gay with the treacherous habit/ of being lazy to account for all gimmicks that lasted/ a year or so when you coulda stopped em in they tracks then/ but they became Jamaicans at the olympics and they Past/..You, as indirect as a local commercial/ never care for the ones you hurt for they come back to hurt you/ inhumane you moving by instinct/ you love feeling the pain but know it is distinct/ from the joy that really comes in the Morning, a Dark "knight"/ Risen from the ashes of the carnage, and just might/ break in to the crack of dawn/ kick the bucket full of the prawns/ from fishin up for Men formally known as Pawns/ to the greatest chess game never played/ one is infinitely the victor the other eternally graved/its either you're a slave that Kills or a slave that here to help Save//.....Humanity.
  by my mentor D.E.S.T.R.O

— The End —