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 Jan 2015 CenterGravity
I loved you like a brother for so much longer than you ever deserved
Somehow those fourteen years have slipped away from me
And I think that if we're being honest you don't know a thing about me
Let me tell you that there is good reason for this
I hope that someday it hits you out of nowhere like a broken bungie cord
We gave you a home when home was the last place you wanted to be
But I can't escape the fact that all you can do is mock my very existence
Almost like you feel you could take my place so easily if I was gone
Removed somehow from a picture I was painted into years before you
We all know that no monster can wear a mask forever
I've always known this day would come but I thought we had passed all this
Maybe I should've known the day would come a second time
But somehow I always find you on my doorstep without a key
I fear that I will never be rid of you because even when you're gone you find a way
You don't even hear the words that come out of your mouth
It used to be empty apologies every other day
But now its just an offense without an amend I honestly thought you were smarter than this
You make me sick and I'd trade you for the plague just to feel peace
I've never heard someone talk so much with nothing to say and no ears to listen
You once told me that the only reason you would never leave her
Is because you know you would never find someone else who could love you
What a waste of a beautiful girl who will never know any better
Than to sell her heart in fifth grade and never learn how to take it back
People like you are everything that's wrong with the world
I had hoped I would learn something from this at the very least
But maybe all I can take away from this is that some people can't be changed
I never wanted to think like this but this is the change you've made in me
At night I tear you apart in my dreams and I'm so sorry but I wake up with a smile
 Jan 2015 CenterGravity
What is living
If our eyes don't gleam with excitement
If laughter isn't constantly escaping
If we never make mistakes
If we don't tan in the summer
Or have to wash dirt off of our feet
From those long walks in the woods

What is living*
If we are constantly worried about our sizes
If money is always being counted
If we always are hiding behind technology
If the only thing we fill our bodies with
is alcohol
Or drugs because depression is the only color we see

When did living become something that we have to be told how to do?
Nature has been forgotten
And so has our love
I separated my mind and heart, because they never can agree. Always seem too have different needs, and bicker endlessly.

I built a wall up higher, trying to protect my soul. My mind said he would break me, my heart couldn't take another toll.

My heart kept whispering his name, and longing for his touch. I couldn't make my mind agree, it warned it's far to much.

Hearts must be made of glass, and we keep our minds in chains. After all the heartache I've endured, maybe only a pretty face remains.

Conflicted because I never got to say, all that I might. Tormented by the memories of you, and how my mind and heart still fight.
 Dec 2014 CenterGravity
Sometimes I can't stop
The tears, the pain, the lies
Or the thoughts, the words
That trap me
Sometimes I can't stop
Playing the same song
Over and over and over
Until it's all I hear
The words resonating
Through my soul
Capturing how I feel
Sometimes I can't stop
Losing myself in my sorrow
Falling again and again
Into the darkness
That creeps along
On the edges of my vision
Just sometimes I can't stop
Being the disappointing mess I am
Broken and unfixable
Until I can get a grip
And replace my mask
It only happens sometimes
Stained glass shards glisten on the floor, from the window that was shattered. Words lost that cut the tongue, withheld because it never mattered.

Bare feet that no longer feel, I kneel on glass remains. If only my heart was unbreakable, but the overflow of everything it contains.

I built walls I let down, reluctantly for men who are undeserving. But it seems that heartache, is a lesson I'm always learning.

I'd rather just hear it burst because I'm always muffled sound. I can't keep looking in spite of hope, for something that can't be found.

I broke the window because beautiful, is nothing that is me. Maybe if I wear a mask, I can obstruct the image that is all they ever see.
 Dec 2014 CenterGravity
 Dec 2014 CenterGravity
Spiralling downwards,
Bitter taste of coke slipping in between the bumps on your tongue
And months from now when I try to think about you
I will remember the way you looked at me
And how time stood still
So it felt just like you were standing across from me
Throwing your unsaid medals at my throat
I let them slide down to my chest
It burns
Like the acid streams of coke surfacing my lungs
And I cannot breathe
All I can think about is why do I cross paths with people I am not supposed to fall in love with
Coke sliding down your throat
Swallow your golden apologies you never were brave enough to say
Crackling fizzling drink
I have been in love with you since May
And every look out has been a habit, I still try to find you in a crowd
I still try to swallow the bitter fizzy only slightly sweet taste of coke down my throat
The same way I choke
On every apology I never said to you and how I almost but never did tell you how much your cheekbones remind me of the sunset.
This drink will never age and neither will your eyes
Visceral bubbling youthful
I have been waiting on nothing
I feel the acid burn in my throat in my chest and it erupts as I ***** every scent I’ve had of you, every gaze we have exchanged while she looks at you and smiles
Like the fizz that touches the insides of my stomach
I want to look at you and smile
And all you do is watch me
Sipping through your straw
I am drinking coke
And your eyes say it has been a while and look at me, look at what I do I want to show you what I do because it has been far too long
I am not a child I am a hazy incense drifting through hollow walls, corridors and people infested places
Everywhere I turn I cannot breathe
I need something to quench this thirst of longing
I have collected from every instance I never get to see you, every moment you look at me and she is with you
I want to keep these aluminium tabs
I want to push the bubbles down your throat, tell you this is how I feel every time I look at you and you look at me and we say nothing
I want to tell you I have been doing just fine
And that you are wearing the same shade of red I’ve been feeling and this coke can shares the red we are crying
I want to say I am sorry I looked back and I wished so very hard
You are between these lines the coke can holds, every droplet that condenses on this metal surface, cool
I have something to hold and I don’t know what to feel
Only the acid taste of coke
I by fate and tragedy,
have been appointed to the childrens keeper.

We pass through empty streets,
the city in ruin around us.
We search,
salvageing what food we can.

We live in fear that destruction will return.
Wild dogs run about, baring yellow teeth,
threatening to attack.

We take refuge in a tall building constantly keeping watch.
We can not be the only survivors. Someone will come for us.
Where has everyone gone?

It is just I,
and to many children to count.
Sobbing tears,
that I wipe away with hopeful kisses. Restless dreams,
that I banish with sweet lullabyes.
I can not repair the damage that's been done,
but I can give them love, hope, comfort and warmth.

I by fate and tragedy,
have been appointed the children's keeper.
A task I accepted.
Now these children of ashes are my own.
They are my life, my everything.
Reoccurring dream I had to write out. :)
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