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Away from me
Desperation shows through
From me to you
Too soon
Too many times
Too many ways


                                Into space
We all just want a moment where we feel in tune with our environment.  And we'll all just chase that feeling of home. We'll climb hills change states follow every road. We will struggle and claw and crawl. We will fight through snow, earthquake, and hellfire. We will never settle. We will pack our bags, and we won't look back when we close the door. We will leave our lovers standing there crying. We will leave childless fathers and fatherless childs equally. We will drink on our journeys. We will breathe black and exhale white, burning red to feel alright. We will lose touch with the colors of the sunset. We will fall down the staircase, break a leg and keep moving. We won't have food on the table. We will isolate our beings. We will die alone in the cold. We will quit our jobs. We will waste our freedom. We'll bury ourselves alive. We'll swim the seas, we'll climb the mountains, we'll burn the trees, WE WILL fight till we die, WE WILL say no to everything stubbornly, WE WILL cry as our feet bleed, WE WILL sing songs no one remembers, and we'll leave our homes, we'll break our families hearts, oh we will never be satisfied and we will do it all for the sake of... what? We will be human in the pursuit of something more and something less. And no matter where we go or what we see I'll tell us all now, don't you worry, we'll all be buried together, with our sins, in the same Flaming Sea.
Trying something different yet still me.
 Feb 2015 CenterGravity
Do you know how many
Poems I write that
Leak your name?

The subtle hints
Of twinkling eyes
And that burning smile

The words explaining
The days that you create havoc
And heat between our bodies

The whispers of
Love and confusion
And an all consuming lust

Do you even realize
The amount of poems
That are in my head
That scream out your name

Because if you did
Oh god
If you did
There would be chaos
I love you and I'm afraid to admit it
I have this fantasy where I am driving on the interstate and I am not daydreaming about crashing my car and being killed on impact

I have this fantasy where I have never spent a whole summer covering up my scars

I have this fantasy where I know my body and I am at peace with it

I have this fantasy where I never stopped making art because of what a teacher said to me when I was seventeen

I have this fantasy where I know how to write good poetry

I have this fantasy where I have never fallen in love with too many drug addicts

I have this fantasy where I am sleeping with a stranger for fun and not because I hurt

I have this fantasy where someone knows all the best parts of me

I have this fantasy where someone knows all the worst parts of me

I have this fantasy where I can say “I love you” out loud instead of just writing it down

I have this fantasy where I am giving my whole self to somebody else and they are not asking me for more
There is beauty in the
I see colors in the

Should the chill of winter
and the grey of snowy skies
billow above me,
I will strike a match
and snarl against the shiver.

I would rather drown in
than become consumed in

I will not succomb to the cold.

I will glow with all the colors of the universe.
 Jan 2015 CenterGravity
1. Don't get angry when you dream about him smiling in slow motion. Do not awaken and sob, because you love his smile more than anything and it will not do for you to bawl when he was just trying to make you happy.

#2. Forgive him when he slips into your bed at night and holds your hand while you're trying to sleep. Don't resent him for leaving his smell all over your sheets, all over your room. You love the way he smells, and it gets cold in the grave. He just misses your warmth.

#3. Breath him in like smoke and let him rest in your lungs. Let him feel the way they expand and contract, because his never will again and he wants to feel it again.

#4. Everytime you close your eyes and see his, smile. Because he's looking at you, watching you. He had beautiful eyes and they were only for you and death, and now he has death but he only needs you.

#5. Do not commit suicide to follow him to the grave. He loves you and he would like to be with you, but he doesn't really want you to die like that, even if he says he does sometimes. He's just thinking out loud. People aren't good at seeing consequences once they have died.

#6. Do not regret not eating a piece of his flesh. It would have made you hate yourself. People would have called you sick. It's okay to have thought about it, they don't understand your grief, the need you have to own a piece of him. But he taps your special knock on the window nightly using the wind. You do not need to consume him to keep him.

#7. Do not resent him for dying. Even if he killed himself. Even if you loved him and he knew it and he did it anyways. Look at the sky and know he's in your rib cage, feeling your breathing and the listening to the beat of your heart. Do not resent him. He doesn't resent you for living.
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