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  Jun 2014 Cassandra Leigh
I am sorry.

Three words that can help heal
Yet we often find it so hard to utter
Our pride gumming up our tongues
So they lay silent, our lips mute
I have never understood that difficulty
To take responsibility
Regardless the action
We are built to withstand pain
Not create it

Look around you.

Pain is an art form
One we have perfected
In what could be the sunset of our civilization
We are still as un-evolved emotionally
As our dawning
Such great pains are taken in the name of progress
Foul atrocities that stain our hands
When working together, as one heart
One whole
We could have sparkled bright in these last rays
Instead we are judge and executioner
With little thought to how we will look
When that sun rises again
Apologize. Swallow your pride. Take the steps to help rebuild every bridge burned. You never know when that bridge will be the only one left when you need to cross.
Cassandra Leigh Jun 2014
The first time I smoked a cigarette
I felt the exhilaration of putting it to my lips
Sharp inhalation followed by sputtering coughs
Barely managing to pull in an even breath
Followed by a head rush
My stomach tied in knots and I questioned whether or not I would be sick
But I persisted, and choked it down

Eventually I got used to the taste
I grew to rely on the way my world would stop
My head swam, and time slowed down
My anxious mind was eased, if only for a moment
I craved it more than oxygen

I knew that it would be the death of me
Yet I couldn't walk away
I spent money I didn't have, just to get one more taste
I lost who I was to what I thought I needed

Such was loving you

Time went on and it strangled me
I felt like I could hardly breath

There is no nicotine patch for loneliness
And the nights of missing you still make me shake
But loving you was smoking

**So I quit
Cassandra Leigh Jun 2014
Two halves of a whole
That's what they always said we were

Ten minutes** after me you were born
I made it to shore
you were Ten minutes out to sea

Ten weeks you spent in incubators
The doctors didn't think you would ever go home
Ten weeks Later you pulled through

Ten years you've been in and out of hospital beds
The surgeons always swore this was the last time, the tumor was gone
Ten years later they were wrong

Ten times You have called me and told me you wanted out
Being in this world was too painful and you couldn't do it anymore
Ten times I have told you if you go I will follow

Twenty years I have watched you drowning
Twenty years I have prayed I could take your pain and make it mine
Twenty years I would rather swallow razor blades than see you hurt
Twenty years I have wanted to save you but know I cannot swim

Ten minutes

I will drown instead
This is a re-write of a previous poem. I hope you all enjoy getting a look at my naked soul
Cassandra Leigh Jun 2014
We are all human
She whispered to no one but herself
From ****** to Hemingway
and Ghandi to Gacy

We all have hearts that beat in battered rhythms
and throats that catch the words we hold inside ourselves
We all live, we all lose, we all love
To accept the darkness in ones self is to finally know peace

We are all human**
And we simply cannot change
Cassandra Leigh Jun 2014
I want to move you in the deepest way
To change your mind and make you stay
If crafted words on paper were enough to make you love me I would write until my fingers bleed
I will send a thousand letters you will never read
Cassandra Leigh Jun 2014
I see your face in strangers
It is the only way I see you now
Cassandra Leigh Jun 2014
White dress
Soda cans
Blonde hair
Celine Dion
Shouting lyrics
Clumsy dancing
Always swaying
Cigarette smoke
Lifting me
California girls
We sang

Long nights
Constant fighting
Angry shouting
Never home
Rarely conscious
Police officers
Mental illness
****** needles
No music

California bound
Phone calls
Whispering relatives
Sideways glances
Bipolar Disorder
Drug ******

I still sing without you
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