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I dont know...

if im having this fever bcs i miss you too much,
or maybe bcs i hate you too much,
or maybe i cant handle no more this pain,
or maybe bcs im too overthinking,
or maybe i know this is the end of everything.

I dont know.
 Feb 2015 Carteiro Silva
Joe Cole
Now gather round me children
Listen to stories I have for you
Of dragons in the mountains
Of mermaids on the shore
I saw a dragon once and entered his dark lair
His eyes were like fiery brimstone
And his foul breath polluted the air
And yes a mermaid I did also see
As she lay upon the shore
Instead of legs a fishes tail
Scales of of ever color and hue
Unicorns!! Oh yes
Gleaming white and regal with a single horn
Upon his head
And I was the first man to tame him
The first to ride that wild beast
You might think my words are just tales
The words of a fanciful fool
But the words that I tell you
Every word I tell you is true
My body bears scars from the dragons hot breath
Aye and bruises
Left from when from the unicorns back I did fall
In my pouch a scale from the mermaids tail
A scale from the dragon there to
Round my neck a cord that I braided
Braided from unicorn hair.
A re write of a fun piece I did a long time ago
 Feb 2015 Carteiro Silva
You've made some mistakes,
I have too.
In some ways we’re pretty similar,
in others I am nothing like you.
You said "I love you" but do you really love me?

You said "I miss you" but do you really miss me?

So, tell me now, how can you proof that all of these really comes from your heart?
 Feb 2015 Carteiro Silva
The sky looks like cotton candy
Pink and blue are its pastel hues
"When do I ever tire of you?"
Is what came out of your liquor lips
That smelled of cherry gum drops and old wine

Something only old money can buy
You treated me like a queen and
"Now what are we?"
Is what comes out of your liquor lips
That smells of smoke and gunpowder
"Even I don't know." I retort
But let's live life like I'm not your last resort
I'm on a sugar high but I'm afraid of crashing
I am an addict
Can't live without
When I stop using
I feel down and out

Did try it for a few weeks
Went into total lockdown
But after a while
I started to drown

My palms got sweaty
I started to suffocate
Couldn't breath anymore
And I lost my faith

So then I started using again
I just didn't know what I could do
So I decided to be an addict for life
Because I'm just too **** addicted to you
 Feb 2015 Carteiro Silva
Joe Cole
Something I always do in Summer
Is just sit beneath my tree
Yes, my tree
Because it's about a 3 kilometer walk along a deer path
Anyway sit under that spruce with its shade giving branches
And you enter another world
The heady aroma of pine resin fills the air
Squirrels chatter in contentment over my head
I watch insects unknown to me
Walk the aerial ways
Ants in synchronized dance
The bark cracks do invade
Even in a gentle rain Mollie and I can share this space
Just sit and crack open another beer
And live for another day
No noise but natures noise
No rancid petrol or diesel fumes
Just the smell of mole turned soil
The sound of natures tunes
You know I love to sit in these lonely places
Mollie at my feet
Sit here with a pen and pad
In this special place where I and nature meet
I come here to sit and write sometimes just to think
But all to often when I leave
The pad is shy of ink
You see most of the time I'm quite content
To sit in filtered sun
Most of all I'm so elated
When I join with nature
When nature and I merge as one
 Feb 2015 Carteiro Silva
someday someone out there is going to look at you like you’re made of stardust and will love you as if it's what they were born to do.

wait for it.
 Feb 2015 Carteiro Silva
Joe Cole
I'm no Knight nor Lord nor Peer
I have no fancy name
I am just me
I have no stately homes
No manicured acres do I own
But I'm happy
You see
I have my crystal streams
I have my southern hills
My rugged cliff top paths
The white capped foaming seas
I have the howling winds
The gentle breeze of spring
The sweet perfume of wild flowers in the air
And natures orchestral sounds
A tent to call my home
So many paths to roam
I'm glad that I'm
Thanks Shamus
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