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 May 2016 Caitie
Joshua Haines
The boulders are freckled along the bank,
sleeping on lime-skin grass, grey and tired.
Fading black canvas shoes
attach to smooth, firm sides,
climbing a planet not as hard as ours.

From the distance, a spinning speck is seen.
With binoculars cupped around each eye,
you can see her twirl in the old, pink thing;
in the mirrors of light, you can see her beauty,
even if she has been blind her entire life.

You can see her rest her shoulder on a boulder,
gasps trying to grasp galloping breath --
and in between each choke, you must wonder
if you co-exist in this world
or separately, infinitely.

When you are drunk on the altitude,
it's time to step down and walk to sea-level.
Scurrying down thrown-up mountainside,
you should try not to trip on nature
or your own nature.
 Dec 2014 Caitie
For some reason untold
I feel nothing when I write these words
They used to be my refuge
When the world was crashing down
Yet, for some reason
They don't mean so much now

For some reason
I read the things
That pours from another's heart
How these words are keeping them
From being torn apart

For some reason
I wanna let it go
what was its meaning?
I no longer know
For some reason
I can't understand
My poetry dosen't mean...

I figure
What's the point
If my words
No longer
Want to be heard

I'll still write
I just won't share
It won't make the diffrence I always dreamed
If no one cares

For some reason
I think it's time
To give up my rhymes
Set down the pen
And when I pick it up again....
Maybe they'll listen
I think I'm just gonna like people's poetry and repost a few, but I think I'm gonna take a break with writing. It doesn't seem to be getting anywhere and none of its any good. So, dear pen and paper, keyboard and computer....I bid you...farewell.
 Dec 2014 Caitie
 Dec 2014 Caitie
umber spilled from his lips
and shattered light from his fingertips
when the helium of blue giants has all gone, his solar system
crumbles with it
and he grows
he grows as much as he can, holds on as long as he can, but
everything falls apart.
you can see the remnant of his supernova in his face, in his hands, in his shaky breath and tremulous words
in the heart, still glowing brighter and hotter than any Ia star,
but that pulsar, his mind, keeps spinning and spinning
long after he's nothing but
n.h. /
 Dec 2014 Caitie
 Dec 2014 Caitie
they would've seen various city lights
danced under the stars
in the middle of the park at
they would've embraced each other
on a daily basis
palms colliding as their
fingertips intertwined
they would've exchanged secrets
without hesitation
snickering to relieve tension
they would've dreamed together
grasped opportunities
whilst remaining side by side
they would've grown old together
admiring how drastically their
surroundings changed
and how they succeeded in staying themselves
throughout everything
they would've lived
if he hadn't changed
if he hadn't noticed that he did
 Dec 2014 Caitie
mark john junor
darkness withers the heart
but for some that thrill is life itself
unseasonal to her tenderness but she is drawn to it
to her mind it was the tempest she sought
a desire too strong to deny
she derided him for his winter heart
magic he would say
liar she would cry
but she would never turn him away
never deny him his pleasures
dire and dark a man with his winter heart
bright eyed she opened herself to whatever he desired
passions flame burns quick
untill all she is and has is gone
 Nov 2014 Caitie
Danny Wolf
When the life inside of me begins to wither
like the leaves on winter trees,
And my breath begins to slow,
I'll use the very lasts gasps to say
how I get high to the smell of rain,
And that sunflowers
make me smile so naturally.
I'll say how I like the time spent alone,
And the nights I can't seem to find sleep.
I'll talk of the chills that overcome my body
when crashing waves reach my feet,
And of the beautiful ryhmes
always running through my head.
I'll reveal how I'm secretly drawn to the cold,
And how summer is my favorite season.
I'll tell them how the woods call my name
as I walk by,
I need their mystery.
And with my final bit of life,
I'll say how above all,
I'm happiest when I'm dancing.
Inspired by a poem with the same title that my best friend wrote. Loved the process and writing this one. Great topic
 Nov 2014 Caitie
Freddie Rogers
Lonely and conflicted within
He loses interest yet stays persistent
Suspect to evil and sin

Pure heart yet cold soul
Good intentions yet no goal
Clapping to the beat of his heart
He cries out to every living part

Heart numb with fingers ******
Blurry path leads him to everything muddy

What more is there to this life?
Every girl wasn't much
Any drug with a button touch

I don't know how it got so bad
Everyone was once there like dad
All forgot and everyone's grown
I guess I'm better off on my own
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