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I want to pour my soul into
your mouth, until you gag

it is my shame that stops me,
I am ashamed of my own longing

the still pink part of my heart
that beats for you

my water- logged lungs,
the legs that have trended water
for so long, kicked from under me

and I do not know the difference,
between riding out the waves,
or drowning

 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
I live,
In the lucidity of dreams

Eternally naked,
In front of a crowd
Yet, dwelling
In a trench coat style
I'll bare you my soul,
Yet hide my face
I prefer my words, on the wind
Never heard
A fading voice
In the chamber of
Never Unlocked
In the realm of things touched
I remain untouched
Reality holds no fascination for my eyes
I went blind when the hopscotch grid got washed away by the rain

I live
In the lucidity,
Of dreams
 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
Ma Cherie
To hear the song they called "Hello",
it whispered me your sweetest heart,
I always knew I wanted you,
though not of where,
and when to start,
an it's not I'm a stupid girl,
cuz really I am pretty smart,

I acted shy - I really was,
I didn't know of very many things,
but I could hear the music well,
an that lovely sound it always sings,
in a strange familiar comfort to,
to my heart it always brings,

I laid upon your chest back then,
I melted heavy in your charms,
I yearned for your embrace just so,
and the safety of those comfy arms,
I thought that you protected me,
to keep me from impending harms,

Your gorgeous hair in wavy browns,
as handsome golden streaks just shine,
I look at you my wonderment,
I thought "he loves me" boy of mine,
your heart just speaks our memories,
I thought you were just so divine,
so when you said hey baby
you are lookin' mighty fine,

Those eyes of deer you caught me hard,
I never really stood a chance,
so from the age of thirteen's kiss,
to the last -
our fading dance,
the memories they linger on,
of time I once,
I held romance,

We both then shared a language deep,
different though we were inside,
we carried fears in pocketfuls,
we hid safe away with stupid pride,
back then there wasn't any need,
or anyplace we'd need to hide,

I so remember the wedding well,
and we did it on a lover's whim,
I saw the tears well up in eyes,
an your heart it sung the sweetest hymn,

Your arms they were my church to pray,
a sanctity we only knew,
an from a glance we stole the chance,
and what a lovely flower grew,
I went with you just everywhere,
cuz everywhere that thing it blew,

I heard that thing it called me home,
and now my feet just wander,
instead of loving you I guess,
I love instead the yonder,
so as I look at you and reminisce,
my heart it just grows only fonder,

I thought we were together then,
the sun it smiled as you did,
I guess I've always loved you,
always boy,
back ever since,
I was a skinny kid,

But I was but young maiden then,
soft kisses how they startled so
I guess you want it faster still,
for now I have to let you go,

You came again back at nineteen,
you wouldn't ever leave my door,
I was now more ready to,
for true love to touch -explore,
you were everything I'd ever want
everything and so much more,

Though time is the real grand illusion,
shiny things turn sometimes dull,
sometimes things are really high,
no comfort in the times of lull,

I was then a youngish mother,
an I was always still your wife,
though there would never be a third,
it seems my ever-darling,
that I will love you all my life.

Ma Cherie © 2017
About my first love...oh geez... although I was thinking of the song Hello by Lionel Richie I guess there could be reference to the one by Adele also
 Mar 2017 Cait Harbs
Jack Jenkins
Yeah, we're broken,
Torn apart and led astray,
Scarred by wounds you never see,
Jaded against the world and it's beliefs.

We are the misfit *******,
That keep loving through the pain,
Because we'll take the hits for the rest,
Because we know that we are the best.

So raise your bruised arms up high,
Let the world see your black eyes,
Cuz we know we're misfit *******,
And we're proud to bleed for you.
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