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  Jan 2015 Carsyn Smith
The Lines drawn,
Your heart claimed Eden,
I dare not intrude,
Fears of the serpents held,
But Forbidden fruit
never looked sweeter
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
They found me curled up in your old Tshirt
Old notes ripped and crumpled from a strong grip
And trembling from the withdraw

I thought I knew nothing of addiction
Until I tried 24 hours without --
Without craving you in some way.

The sound of your name is like
A sip of alcohol to an AA member

Your cologne is a shot of ******:
Exciting and gone before you know it

Your eyes are like a sniff of coke
Making my whole body shiver

Your touch is like sitting in a haze
Relaxing, familiar, amnesic…

I wish everything you did could go away,
So when I take a draw tonight,
The smoke won't have anything to cover.
I don't understand why I miss you so much, when I know you're no good for me
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
I am not lips needing paint,
I am powerful words
       screams into a void
       whispers in the crowds
       echoes that find your ear.

I am not bones in a skin sack,
I am a temple
       created from love
       shaped by something greater
       meant for more than ***.

I am not just pretty eyelashes,
I am speaking in silence
       staring down evil
       unflinching towards darkness
       learning from mistakes.

I am not waiting for someone,
I am rescuing myself
       stitching my wounds
       smiling when it hurts
       leading a fallen army.

I am a warrior
       not a damsel

I am strong
       not weak

I am fighting
        not crying

I am changing
        not complaining

I am running
        not waiting

I am not an object
             a gender
             a ***
             a stereotype

I am human
You're more than what the world claims.
  Jan 2015 Carsyn Smith
Isha Kumar
We stay up all night
to find words that rhyme.
We scribble. We write,
losing track of time.

We stare into space,
deep in thought.
From a child's fairy-tale
to the wars fought.

We can't stay still.
Our fingers, they itch.
With no path to follow,
in dreams we are rich.

We dance and fly
but crash to the floor.
We laugh and cry
with our emotions galore.

Smiling while judging,
we scribble. We write.
From petty love stories
to the furious fights.

Over incomplete lines,
we again lose sleep.
Muttering new words
as we silently weep.

We see the world
the way no one would.
We break the rules
the way no one could.

A new day begins
with all new themes.
"Which one to choose?"
Our minds scream.

We scribble. We write
with bees in our bonnets.
From epic ballads
to the melancholic sonnets.

With passion in our blood,
and a calloused hand,
we are poets.
Together we stand.
  Jan 2015 Carsyn Smith
"I don't love you anymore," she says
as she chokes back tears.
Lying through her teeth,
trying to convince herself
that the words she says are true,
but they aren't
and they never will be.

"I can live without him," she shrugs,
as she tries to find him elsewhere
at the bottom of bottles
and bowls of herb.
Sometimes, she finds comfort
in the arms of strangers,
and for a moment she is content,
but they'll never fill the void
and she knows that all too well.

"I miss you," she texts him
in a moment of weakness,
lying on the bathroom floor
drunk off too many shots
of cheap whiskey.
She knows she shouldn't
but she sends it anyways,
thinking the regret of letting him go
is worse than the pain of loving him.

"I wish I'd never met you," she screams,
and these words are true.
Because loving a toxic person,
someone you know isn't right for you,
is the worst form of torture.
At times she'd take a bullet because it might hurt less,
but the sick side of her loves the pain
and she keeps coming back...

*She still doesn't know why.
You were the hardest to love and the hardest to let go.
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
Actions speak louder than words,
tell me; should I believe you?
Mouth running, but arms are still...
Disregard the tears,
The actionless claims,
Unless you plan to show me.
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