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Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
They say I'm off my hinges,
That I'm spiraling into nothing
And welcoming insanity with open arms.
The voices sing me songs
About love and loss,
Of great battles
Fought at the birth of dawn
And others in back alley ways.
They whisper dark things
Along side the melody of light...
They tell me I'm off my hinges
But who's gonna believe a voice under the bed...?
Grab a book, any book, and open to page 49.
6th line.
5th word.
Make a poem, and use that word as its title.
Be sure to make sense, and relate the topic to title!

Tag your poems as bookpoemchallenge
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
{How many} glow-in-the-dark stars
do you still have on your ceiling?
{More} than you'd like to admit,
am I right?
I only have one left,
but it fills my {nights} like Sirius.
When clouds blanket the stars,
the glow-in-the-darks {must} shine
to keep the monsters away;
to ensure {I spend} my dreams
on hopes rather than fears.
The five pointed stars remind me
I am not {alone}; they are
{staring at} me with such love
that it keeps the monsters
under {my} bed.
I only have one star left,
but its glow makes my {ceiling}
the Milky Way.
To the girls who are secretly so broken
You WILL be alright
I know you have scars on your soul
Maybe your heart
Possibly your wrists
None of this is your fault
And even if you think it is
Let it go
Not that you can, that easily
But try
I know you are broken
I know you're not okay
Especially when people ask how you are and you answer "I'm fine"
When what you really mean is "I'm alive"
But what do you really care about your own survival anymore
Well I just want you to know
There is beauty in broken glass
And to me
There is immeasurable beauty
In broken girls
So don't you ever forget
You cannot be defined by pain
You're too beautiful for that
Stay strong, broken girl
Nothing is ever really broken
Repost if you are a broken girl. So this message may reach as many of you as possible.

I am here for you. I may just be a sloth but if you message me: I'm fine.
Just randomly it will be our code for "I'm not fine at all" and I will be there for you.
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
My armies are in full retreat:
the cannons cold,
boots worn down,
muskets jammed and rusted --
Well fought and ready for rest.
My men seek shelter deep,
deep enough that hands cannot reach,
and they shall stay there for, perhaps, ever.
I was always told "no,"
that money ran the world
and a passion for words will not be enough,
that I will fail...
So my army is in retreat,
tired of fighting a constant defense,
using our last resources to build a keep
to lock away every imaginative flutter of golden butterflies,
and hide away any stray flicker of a thoughtful flame.
The oak trees of my mind's forest have been cut down,
nothing but stumps and leaves
and the smell of industrial smoke
from the bark of my oaks.
This time next year,
I hope not to be completely dead inside
that, somehow, deep in the keep of my soul,
a willow will weep beautiful tears
for lost soldiers and fallen oaks.
Perhaps the keep will thrive,
fighting off the countless sieges
and housing pilgrim dreams.
Perhaps the conquerers will be kind,
offering mercy to the innocent
and a quick death to the ones who deny "no."
It breaks my heart to call retreat,
but a small, crumbling, wounded dream
is better than no dream at all.
"You can't make money with words, you need to stop while there's still time."
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
Mind's a mirror maze
The way your face keeps showing
Yet you are missing
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
Did you know
My first love was the sound of the piano?
Its longing chords and soaring melody,
I tried to teach my fingers to dance,
But they could never do my ears justice.
Did you know
I love sappy poetry and lit candles?
The smell of standard vanilla
And the dim glow on flowery words,
But I could never recite them quite right.
Did you know
I love the way silence sings?
That two people can sit, quiet,
And not feel the urgency to speak,
But I could never stop fidgeting.
Did you know
I crave the feel of his strong arms?
The passion and softness behind lips,
And the innocence of a presence,
But I could never...
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
They told me to sleep,
I'd forget you by morning
Heart still beating strong.

Why can they not see
Every night my mind finds you,
Echoing last words?

There is no escape
From a dream ripping at scars
And holding me close.

Please, just one more time,
Cradle me close in my dreams
So I awaken strong.

Fear and lust are kin,
Controlling dreams, actions, thoughts…
You must live with it.

They tell me to sleep,
Dreaming will take me away,
But you are my dreams.
Expect changes
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