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I am your masterpiece,
I am what you made me; every stitch and every crease.
Like the finest tailor, you cut me open at the seams,
And sewed me back together as a quilt of your insecurities and dreams.
I was hand-stitched and handpicked to bare the weight of your pain.
And in my strength you found another string to pull time and time again.
Before I collapse and fall apart, you sew yourself into me,
So instead of all the holes and tears, it is only the beautiful patches that they see.
Your strength was drawn from my frayed and fragile heart,
I am your creation; I was built for you to use and tear apart.
Lingers like the taste of an old cigarette.
The one thing you'll never let yourself forget.
Feel my words,
Let them soak into your skin.
Let ink fall like tear drops,
And drown this poem in soul.
Let it eat away your darkness,
And let you once again be whole.
Two halves, never whole,
Just patches on a wounded soul.
Mended with golden thread,
black spots conquer a heart of red.
I bet you dream in color
and wake up in a black and white world.

— The End —