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Gazes magnetically meet
Across the crowded room
A slight touch of hands as we
Pass through the hallway
I steal a kiss when
No one's around

P.s. no one can know
About a girl I hurt a lifetime ago...
 Jan 19 Trinkets
 Jan 19 Trinkets
Some people crash into your life
like waves in a storm
while others slip in
with the rising tide.  
Some leave
like water slowly receding
stealing the sand under your feet
and some
are just suddenly gone
like the ground beneath you
when you step off the ocean ledge
into the abyss
where no light penetrates
and there is no direction,
where the pressure of your grief
is unending
and drowning
is what you are doing
every second
and those seconds are all you know.
 Jan 18 Trinkets
To be a star,
you must burn.

To be a flower,
you must blossom.

To be art,
you must be created.

To be music,
you must be played.

To be a river,
you must flow.

But to be a lover,
you may not be loved.
I think love should never be conditional...

I’m not perfect, and maybe I’m the most complicated and imperfect girl.
Anddd... a lot of people dislike me and give sarcastic comment for that, buttttt.... my parents and siblings love me unconditionally <3...I thank God every day for it.
It's not about quantity of people, but quality of love, for me..... hehehe..... :)

You are never alone; there’s always someone with you.
Maybe it’s just you who are too focused on what's in front of you and haven’t noticed the one standing beside you.
 Jan 18 Trinkets
Star loved moon,
and he did too.

They hated him,
but he never knew.

She shattered,
by their cold hand.

Who is at fault?
I was wrong,
you tried,
but I,
I was wrong.

I didn’t mean to,
but they willed us,
to fall apart.

Now the star’s heart is split,
half for the moon,
half for them.
At last, neither 'the moon' nor 'they' are as badly broken as 'the star' is.....
Dangers lingers
In wild desires
you’re all
I crave.
With a whisper
Tell me that
You’ll give all
To my desires.
 Jan 18 Trinkets
Emma Burney
As I remember him say,
“It’s ok not to be ok”
The feelings of pain will stay
But eventually they’ll drift away
You’ll be as happy as before
Like a newly open door
So don’t worry about the past
For it wasn’t meant to last.
This was a while ago but...
When he cared...
One thing I learned from him:
It is ok not to be ok
Eventually you will find your way:)
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