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No matter what I do
The loneliness comes in
She peeks through the window
And lifts up my chin.

No matter what I do
The loneliness is there
She looks at me sadly
And doesn’t seem to care

No matter what I do
The loneliness gets more
She wraps her arms around me
While I lay motionless on the floor
Trying to get back into writing
We tried to part ways
Neither a place to go
The victims of our frays
Bound in familiar woe

The hurt we each seek
Together, alone
The acid we speak
This caustic home

A prison, a cell
The confines of hate
A resulting hell
To escape a fate

They claw my heels
My attempts to escape
They broker deals
I must abdicate
This was written as an allegory for trying to overcome heartache, trauma, depression and suffering et al while still having to wake up to it every day.
A beautiful day in September,
The air is breathing yellow,
Painting the leaves golden
with each exhale.
Hues of autumn are unfolding
Warmth and tenderness intertwine,
With sunlight spreading on tree branches.
There's merry laughter in the hamlets,
Their laughter merges
with the sunlight laughing.
It is a reflection of
September's joy.
Somewhere the song of summer is ending,
But what a gift it is to be able to live
In September's warmth,
it protects me
From all sadness.
I wrote this as an ode to the beauty of autumn though my favorite season is summer😊
Dear daddy
Wish I could talk to you
Dear daddy
Wish I could see you
Dear daddy
I wish I knew why you left
Dear daddy
Wish I could understand
Dear daddy
I know we never seen eye to eye on things
Dear daddy
I knew you loved me
Dear daddy
I knew you where there
Dear daddy
Can you hear me
Dear daddy
I love you
Dear daddy
I seen red cardinal is that you
Dear daddy
I see white bird feathers is that you
Dear daddy
I see butterflies is that you
Dear daddy
I see flowers is that you
Dear daddy
Was that you ?
As I waddle through the heat
I wish for knees from which to pray
The sun, the progenitor of this fruition
Golden we harvest

The hills whisper an ancient call
I grasp the earth between my fingers
Here the dirt and I are one
I cannot let go of her

The sheaves surrender to the sickle
The soul is sown
The soul is harvested
Ancient mouths rejoice
Don’t you dare cross the line
What line see here this line
I am warning you nicely
Crossing it isn’t fine

Don’t you take a step further
You are getting far too close
Any more movement this way
You’ll be treading on my toes

Don’t you take any more inches
That suddenly turn into miles
That makes me uncomfortable
My face has lost all its smiles

Don’t you breach the boundary
Or knock a hole in the wall
I built it up for a reason
It’s solid it won’t fall

Don’t you dare cross the line
The one I’ve drawn right here
If you stay on your side
I’ll have nothing to fear

Don’t you take a step further
Move back go on move back
Don’t you get any nearer
I feel like I’m under attack

Don’t you take any more inches
That I am unwilling to give
I will be always unhappy
And that is no way to live

Don’t you breach the boundary
The one I so carefully set
Keeping right back from the edge
I think is my safest bet

Oh dear you crossed the line
That movement was very slick
Well I’ll redraw the boundary
A well learned coping trick
You heard me !
I don't write silly love poems anymore .
At best they become bleak .
They are the ships at sea scuttled by storm .
The aircraft that lose power and crash into the ground .
The miners of affection when the roof comes down .
Don't ask or make a sound .
I'm committed to silence so don't you mess around .
THEIR evermores doomed from first kiss and sworn bliss .
From the cradled vows
to the certain anyhows
Don't ask me about love poems anymore .
So darling,
In the moments
You turn around
And catch me staring at you
Wide eyed,
Know that I’m drinking you up.
Carefully filing everything you do in my memory
So I can pull it out
On lonely walks in the park and down the street,
So I can think of you
On cold nights laying in bed.
Because it won’t last,
But I want to remember
Every second.

— The End —