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LN May 2014
Our pens have blood for ink,
scarring these pages forever.
LN May 2014
When I will be lying on the ****** ground
drowned in my own misery
They'll look and feel discomfort
because they know that they are the reason
so they shout out
try to hold my cold hand
to ease their conscience
and not because they truly care.
If they had cherished me,
I would've been warm in between their arms
lips flushed with joy
with a heart that still beats.
they only care when it's too late
LN May 2014
They find better people,
and I become distant and forgotten.
People will replace you, and you will feel bitter for a longggg time.
LN May 2014
Against layers of western pop and soulful jazz,
I find myself yearning for the sound
of traditional music
These ears know well
the tune that reminds them of home.

My blood dances
to the thumping of the tabla,
the melodious clash of castanets
and plucking of strings on leathered guitars.

Traditional music is the voice
of my silenced ancestors;
and the treasure that is the legacy
they have left behind for us.

Each night I will remind myself
of the beauty of Algeria
and the sound that vibrates its fertile soil
and resonates in my heart.

Reaching out to hold the hands
of those who came before me;
we stand united by the melody
of our anthem.
LN May 2014
When sadness reigns
over our hearts,
it makes us weak
but in reality
wounds only strengthen our skin
we can now see the contrast
between what we had and what we lost
what we want and what we don't
and the most beautiful poetry is created.

Why is it that such sombreness inside
can create a beacon of light in our words?
why is it that sadness helps us write?
  May 2014 LN
Sometimes I ignore everything going on in my life because its easier
and then when I'm alone and I try and use cigarettes and TV to distract me
It doesn't work
the world gets so small I can't breath
and I curl up and cry and cry
or sometimes I get up and pace and pace and pace
and every breath I take hurts
and the knots in my stomach and throat are killing me
I have no idea what to do
I have no one to turn to
and I realize how much I have isolated myself
I can't get off my desert island
I thought I wanted solidarity
but I really wanted was safety and security
and being alone is the opposite
it just created a fearful lonely existence
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