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 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
A crushed heart
Continues to beat
To the dance....

Of it's lonely waltz
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Since when did darkness
Become my only light
On days, when time is going too fast,
I can't catch up, and there're things i can't get past,
I'd pull a chair at the verandah....just sit there
To witness, the gentler goings on in life...
See, how...why  all plants face towards the sun,
On a dimly lit corner, watch a spider patiently spin its web,
Underneath the gravel and green grass, somehow,
The earthworm, painstakingly, bravely emerges,
Finds its way out of the remind us,
"...soil is's time to plant!"
I feel, the beetle knows me, as it inches on,
Carrying its own body, crawling down the pine tree,
I won't ever grasp it, nor tie a string on its body
To control its range of movement,
As we do to tethered beasts of burden...
While sitting there, i decide: by all means,
Towards the flower ***, i  lean
Take time to smell a rose, feel its rough leaf
Not just a quick touch and sniff
But hold its thorny body, without daring to blink
While deep within, i'd let its fragrance sink
Some early evenings
When the cicadas' music are echoing
And the moths have started flying
Circling round the light at the ceiling,
I am warned...soon, it will be raining
And.....when it starts to rain, i keep listening
Til i'm soothed by the sound of rain...falling,
From sky to treetops.....flowing...landing
Next to the leaves......cascading down
To the concrete ground
Spreading quickly, far and deep...and as fate,
As nature would have it....the soil, without fail, waits...
Long time ago, we were small,
Curious and brave, we tasted glory, and all,
Armed with a child's innocence
And an insatiable hunger for learning...
Our eyes, our minds dilated,
Our brains were like sponge...
Like the soil.....we absorbed
All, that we discovered...


Copyright December 1, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(Once in a while, we can be a child....right?)
When they saw the first womb
Swooping to all that God had
Breathed into the Earth;
Even the angels fell
Cutting their Heavenly umbilical cord
Drifting alone and finding mortality
In an echo of the first sorrows.
    Even the angels fell
And flew among the wild Dahlia
Devastated at the temporary beauty
Of it all losing wings
And even hope with the impatience
Of a moth to life's flames;
   A final coup de Grace
With a blessed suffering of crimson
Wounds and crystalline years;
    Even the angels fell
And we are but men falling
Like vermilion embers in a solar
Flare of time,
Even then the angels knew
That men were wounded stars
That glimmer with such HOPE
And fade into God's eternal memory.
Sometimes i feel like you can't see me
like I'm only visible when I'm useful
or when you want me to be.

and sometimes I can't tell if that's my past talking
or my insecurities.

and I know I'm not smart or funny
or interesting or fun
(feel free to disagree with me anytime now)
--anything more than broken.

sometimes I can't remember if I used that
word to describe me first
or if you did.

and I guess I'm just tired
of being so not-good.

and you told me that you somehow
still want any part of me
because aside from my brokeness
I'm still good.

sometimes I wonder how that works

sometimes I'm just too tired.
Choreographing words
Into theatrical dances
With her imagination,

Gracefully exhibiting
All of her thoughts -
Using letters
As lavish decoration.

Having them leap-out
Onto the stage,
Outside of her mind,

Hoping each performance,
"Her life's story,"
You will find.

By Lady R.F ©2016
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
How do you carry a child's coffin
When not long ago, you cradled them in your arms?
How do you wrap a child in burial cloth
When just a few years ago, you were still dressing them?
Where there was laughter and learning,
There came screaming and ******.
No smell of school dinners wafting through corridors,
Only burning and gunfire and blood.
Dread and panic replaced exam nerves,
And mourning has destroyed post-test celebrations.
What have we become, to turn a school into an execution site
Under the facade of a warzone?
To drag children out from seats, stare innocence in the face
And send them lifeless to the ground with a single bullet?
There is no cause great enough to **** children,
Nor any punishment severe enough to atone.
Families have been ripped to fragments,
And friendships have been severed or laid to rest together.
Hallways are silent with the heaviness of death,
But the living are still crying and screaming with grief.
We mourn for the dead and we weep for the living,
And as always, we plead, beg, hope for better days to come.
How do you carry your child's coffin
Knowing it's the last time you'll carry them to bed?
How do you wrap your child in burial cloth
Knowing it's the last time you'll ever see their face?
Old write, but it's the anniversary of the Peshawar attack from 2014, so.
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Mr Himel
We're thinking same all the time
I find it hard to believe
In my lonely boring life
Baby you came as a relieve

Now my days & my nights
Are falling in your feet
I'll always be there for you
Give you what you need
I like to read your comments.
his or her day
yours or my day
but Friday?

I'm not frying today
are you?
what wit decided to call
it Friday?

It's a workday
let's call today
and any day that doesn't
begin with the letter S
can kiss my ***.
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