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She said "I have a hard time writing about how I feel"!...
I saw her smile like a crystal dew in misty river!
Like a pat on a shoulder to let you smile from your heart!...
Even her name spreads the peace in the realm of my words...
I don't know her!
I didn't talk to her before!
I felt the eagerness in every Word she wrote!
I felt the happiness in her Wow and wonders!
I felt the peace she holds in her soul!
Although I don't know her!
She is ......  
                   How I feel!....
Thanks you B.
Get ****** sappy kings
Crying tears over everything
Do we think it makes us good?
As if any queen would,
Lick her lips and shake her hips
To climb up the sappy wood

Cry somewhere I can't hear
I would care but it takes years
For you to stop and for something bad
To even make me feel sad
Split your heart and do it smart
Because there's no walking away from that

I've been buried, as we all have
But that doesn't change the fact
That we face it with zest and strength
While you sit and cry at length
Unless your eyes see loved ones die
Keep that drama queen away from me
If it's easy, let it go
Don't let it come without a fight
I haven't seen this much blood
Since last Christmas night
I was buried in a haze
And it's taken way too long
I'm doing better these days
I've got good friends that came along

There's something I gotta say
Before I walk back home
It isn't easy to walk away
So don't say I have to go
I've got a little in the tank
I can drive around this town
I've got too many to thank
For keeping me around

Have you seen a simple suicide?
There's no ease to this one too
I'm simply ******* terrified
I hope I'm alive to see it through
I've been trying to get the hang of it
Trying to gain some control
I've been wondering what to do with it
But it's impossible to know

Is there a way to recall
Every little thing you said?
If I can point to it all
I'd say it all stuck in my head
If I go to bed tomorrow
With a smile on my face
Then I won't have to borrow
One from another place
I seat an ocean away speechless.
We have different languages, beliefs, and cultures,
yet since this nation first emerged fighting
for our right to exist you were there.

On our darkest day when towers fell
and we were afraid.
A continent away these words
were shared “nous sommes tous américains.”

So even though I can’t comprehend
what you may be feeling.
In my own tongue
I declare “We stand with Paris.”

It doesn’t matter what you worship,
where you grew up, or how you live,
we are all human,
so today we mourn for the world.
I wrote this on 11/14/15 on the day that the world was reminded that darkness exist. So I put my feeling on paper. It was published in my school paper, but I never posted it here.
I keep asking myself this question!
Am I living a scam called love!
I Kept asking myself, am I right to have my emotions out of my Chest!
Is it worthy to breath the fresh air out there!
Is it right to tell the girl " I love you!"...
Does she exist for that moment!
I can't see her face there!
She is a fancy that I don't want to get in love with!
She is not the love I'm looking for anymore!
I don't know who is she anymore!
Farewell to her chapter in my book!
Let someone else comes and writes another episode in this strange epic!
Merry Christmas:)
I feel I'm giving up on Love!
Every day in the same corner...
Every day in the same coffee shop...
With the same Espresso and bottle of water...
Alone and no one on the other chair!
Headphone embracing my ears with "All along the watchtower" melody!
Violin screaming out for me to show what is hidden inside!
It is not the time! still there time to dwell in silence and listen to you!
When a Ronin rest, he heals the In before the Out!
He Listens to Messages from Heaven!
He Reads what Nature is giving!
Still there enough time to raise!
He still has that..... Hope!
I used to walk fast to reach the place...
I was not thinking of anything except the place...
I was not in love with Earth!
I was not in love with sky!
I was not in love with myself!
Yesterday, I've tried to walk slowly!
I failed to follow my Legs!
I realised I'm missing everything around me even my breath!
I've realised I've wasted every "Push" from God, from Nature even from my soul....
I've realised how many years of my life passed  not being noticed...
Years being slipped away without enjoying.....
                                            The Blesses...
The whole universe can be embraced gently by my feelings ...
Broken Hearts are revived angelically through my breaths...
With happiness, feelings are fleeing from me through them and dwelling in their souls...
Reading a neglected papers...
Looking at those unknown writings...
Remembering all those moments from old memories...
From the PAST!
The only query raised, was....!!!!
Wasn't I unconsciously preparing myself for such transition!!!
Wasn't I growing older prior to my time to help my heart  to be more stronger!!
I'm unique by my Own!
I'm grounded among people!!!
My prayers are said in whispers.... To place order In chaos...
I'm labeled the Samurai!
I am with a mission of shedding light out of crap!
I'm mazen
Two Hours and I’m trying to put my immense feelings on papers..and i failed…
Looking at the picture that took my breath away….
Reading the spilled words, feelings were stolen from me and i was hypnotised…
Literary paralysed and shaken…
Literary living in the wold of spirituality that i left long time ago…
Literary i’m living in my exile ….
Literary I’m seen…
I saw her Completing her process, and everything in me holding me back from keeping the secret inside me….
Everything in me, get angry of my “Shy” and shut my “Shyness” off and said the truth that I saw her soul!!
The first fear was the tear i was about to see…
The first “Freak out” was the face turing to red!
The pain was to hurt someone i care about?
I saw all those things and i felt the pain inside me!
I’ve heard the voice saying inside me “Why you want to do it?”
I told her “ I’m sorry” I can’t help it? and i should take it out…
I should tell her........
                                   You have been seen
                                          I Saw you!
I might be a stranger for you!
I might be a freak for you!
My words are a fountain of mystery!
My feelings are untouched! and they are looking for harbour to rest!
The core burning the soul, and leaving me doomed in nowhere!
I might be angry!
I might be resenting!
I've dismissed everything in my life, but I didn't dismissed you!
You paid your dues because of others, but I paid your!
Are we friends!.... can't see except that we are rivals and about what i'm not sure!  
I don't know what makes you scared of me!
Something died with you, and I won't fall in love with you again!
Did you hear a soul came back to body after death? I didn't!
I look back only to say.....
I have a path to take!
Pinky promise under the eyes of heaven made!
Later, I felt my only pinky finger was giving the pledge!
I can't see your there! and so.... I am
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