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Autumn Aug 2014
I wanna dance with you and look at pretty skies and lights with you and cook with you and eat with you and talk about everything with you and sleep next to you and go on adventures with you and vent to you about everything and watch movies with you and go to concerts and cute little places and drink coffee with you and just god I just want to be with you and do everything with you forever and evvvvver
Autumn Aug 2014
I see too many sad poems.
I don't even want to read them because I don't want to be sad.
I like happy poems
Even sappy poems.
I like poems that make me smile and feel alive
I like warm cozy poems
Even poems about the weather and clothes and food and candy
I think we should all try to write happy poems once in a while.
You should want people to read your poem and smile.
Not to say a sad poem can't be very good,
But the world is far too beautiful
Maybe this is easy for me to say because I'm really happy.
Autumn Aug 2014
5 :07
I'm not allowed to get overtime anymore.
I can't go into work until 8 pm to close.
I don't really mind.
There's nothing to do here.
I wish I had some cool hobbies.
I just sit around doing nothing.
Every time I think I'm gonna get a bunch of new hobbies,
I just never do.
I mean i'm always happy and I think that's what matters. I love my life really. I love it all.
I like to listen to Lana and Ms. Swift and I like to cook. I like to do girly stuff like put on makeup and do my hair and dress up. I like to make things. I don't know what to make though. I know that I can be really creative sometimes, I just gotta try.
Maybe I over think things.
I know I'd like to have a cigarette but I also don't want to smoke cigarettes because I don't even smoke cigarettes. I'd have a beer but that's almost pointless too.
I'd eat something but I'm not hungry.
I'd watch something on TV but there is nothing to watch and I've already watched too much netflix today.
I'd clean the house but I cleaned the house yesterday and not so much that I mind cleaning, I just don't want to feel like the **** maid. I always clean the house without being asked.
I'd cook something but I only like cooking on my days off.
None of this is relevant nor is it poetic and I'm just bored.
**** it, i guess I'll clean the **** house. I mean I do it so often now that my parents almost expect it from me.
I wish I didn't even have to go to work, It's always easier to do things and to clean and cook and get dolled up and to have hobbies when you don't have to work.
It's silly, I'm literally just waiting around to go to work. If this was my day off I would have done a ton of things already. I would be doing something right now.
I could be doing something right now.
Boring hobbies life lazy cleaning
Autumn Aug 2014
I always thought that I would always have the same favorite perfume forever. I honestly thought no other scent could be more enticing and lovely. But lately, it's not my perfume that is forever lingering.
You're in my bed,
You're in my hair,
You're in my head,
You're everywhere.
You're my favorite perfume<3
I could wear you in January, I could wear you in June,
I could wear you forevermore,
You're far more special than Juicy Couture, because I sure can't buy you in a bottle at the store.
Autumn Aug 2014
say what they think other people want to hear,
only want to hear what you want to say,
otherwise what is the point?
wants to hear something if it isn't honest or real or meaningful.
Autumn Aug 2014
The other day I was silently observing a conversation between a couple of young ladies,
They were talking about marriage and love and then I heard the eldest of them say,
"6 months? that isn't love, that's puppy love if anything." and she laughed.
And not that I really gave a ****,
but I thought to myself,
Is she trying to be cool by acting as if she doesn't believe in the magic of love?
Who is she to say whether somebody that she has never met, loves somebody else that she has never met.
Who is she?
Love is very complex and just like beauty, there is no one single definition for love.
And who is she to say that this person doesn't love this other person.
Each case of Love is so different and honestly she is a close minded stereotypical person for saying such a thing. Like do you even believe in Love if you don't think that it can happen at any time.
Like do you really believe that love has such ridiculous rules like
"you can't love somebody until a certain time has passed since you met them" That is so
The opposite of love.
The magnificent thing about love is that it comes without a warning and without a reason. There is no outline to love.
Love just happens and you can't plan it nor should you want to.
Love is the most beautiful thing a person can feel but one can never know how it shall happen or when it shall happen or with whom it shall happen.
Love lovely beautiful beauty magic sweet cute nice women

— The End —