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We're still young

We should be loving souls
United souls
Peaceful souls

Being young is the only way we can really express our true beings, but when you claim to be an adult you're caged by acting old, being young doesnt mean childish, young means "im still a fresh *** human being"

So be young and embrace that you are young.

Act your age & give yourself time to grow *****.
Thee hardest part is not inquiring for that love,
The hardest part is waiting on thine love to come and findeth thou self!!!

If that ever happens!!!!
There’s days when my mind
can’t seem to stop
all these racing thoughts
the thoughts of us
the thoughts of my past
any thought that comes to be
it just never seems to stop
even after all everything I do
all these racing thoughts
just never ever seem to stop
A girl sits crying
In the bathroom corner.
Just use another bathroom,
Just leave her alone
She will be fine
The next day,
The girl is not crying.

And people move on.

A boy comes in,
His face black and blue.
Just look away,
Just don't ask questions
He will be fine
Two weeks ahead,
The bruises are gone.

And people move on.

A child's screams,
Heard across the street.
Just lock the door,
Just close the blinds
They will be fine
The child is murdered,
They'll never recover.

And still,
*People move on
I love you… that’s all I can say. But what I’ve done, and how I hurt you, is more than I can bear. The love is strong, but the trust is weak. But love without trust is something I can’t imagine. Trust can be had without love, but how can you truly love them if you can’t trust them? No trust equals no love, conclusion… I’m unloved.
It was all dark skies and twilight and
rare glimpses and wondrous sunlight
peeking behind lurking rain clouds and
I let you take my hand the night that

Jacob died and you led me to places I
would have avoided, glass sheared my feet
but you smiled so sweetly and it emptied
that void for a little while. And you said

such terrible things about falling so
I bricked up my mouth. But I wonder
after I departed, irrevocably wordless,
if you stole that void for your own.
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