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 May 2020 Ashley Rodden
Lone Wolf
I've erased
Every little trace
Of you
I'm done
Just forget your debt
Forget that you owe me
Forget the words
That I almost said
That died on my lips
Even when I thought
That they were true
I never said that to you
It's a relief to know
That you never cared
And that I'm not hurting you
When I say I've found someone new
And that I love him much more
Than I ever could you
So maybe I want to hurt him a little.. Just a bit. Like he hurt me. But I won't and that's fine I have someone more important now that loves me more than he ever did.
I will always love you,
I will always love you,
And after telling you this million times,
I will always love you.
 Aug 2019 Ashley Rodden
Lost Soul
im so sick of crying
im not my usual self
and im sick of trying
im not okay
i havent been for a long time
but no one seems to notice
im sorry im a broken thing
im sorry i disappointed you
depression is my soul mate
here ill show u the ring
i hate my life
there i said it
i guess im ungrateful
but i live in constent stife
i know im ruining myself
but with the irreversible mess im in
i really dont care
im as functional as a crooked shelf
my body is rejecting me
well get in line
cause it seems everyone else is
this isnt how i wanted it to be
its not fair
i had everything....
then suddenly nothing
i didnt realize i was that hard to bare
depression is my lover
hes my only constent
he helps me put on the mask
i use as a cover
i am not in a good place
im can no longer apologize
you hurt me and now u
cant even look at my face
i'm sorry i hurt you all
i didnt mean to
i assure u ,it hurt me more
its months later and i still bawl
i lost everyone
i lost myself
i lost the battle
congrats you and depression won
She slipped further
Then further down
Lost feelings embedded
Presence of never
Again being found
Light flickered softly
As if it may not last
Hope for tomorrow fallen
Like the leaves
From fire scared trees
Scattered to the ground
In the past
Her mind starts to race
Into lost yesterday's
Wandering on paths of
Flesh giving ways
****** pain strikes
Her feelings alive
A message from The
Spirit sent from within
Reminding her that in
The past she had asked
The Savior for forgiveness
Of her sins~ Praise for
The Light Rise on
The horizon
Once again
JOHN 3:6-8
ROMANS 8:2-6
she's always had wings
she just never knew how to
fly back to Heaven

6:13 PM
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