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 Apr 2015 Arth
 Apr 2015 Arth
They know better than any
even with malfunctioned brain
They learn through
it  works better than human.
because they're not human anyway.
 Mar 2015 Arth
Let it come
 Mar 2015 Arth
Don't approach a dog unknown to you
Holding out your hand, making eye contact
You may frighten him
Let him come to you

Don't write a poem uninspired
It won't work out
In good time
Let it come to you

Don't go out there seeking love
Like a child with a butterfly net
Live your life
Let it come to you
 Mar 2015 Arth
How can you see me the way you do?
What do you see?
Is your vision selective?
Is it biased?
*How can you care so much about something so broken?
 Mar 2015 Arth
honey ashes
it’s cold and you’re warm and the sun is
almost about to rise and you are
going to tell me you love me and i
sick to my stomach
because you’re filling voids i didn’t know i had and
it’s scaring me
it’s scaring me to be whole and it’s
scaring me to feel
it’s scaring me that you are growing this close
and i cannot even believe i’m letting you
and i am worried you are going to say i love you
and i am worried i am going to say it back

 Mar 2015 Arth
Modern Serenity
Broken and defeated
front seat of incompetence depleted
Sleep deprived and laid to rest
beating and pounding in my chest

Evident thoughts run through my mind
time seems to be falling behind
Speak a word and i shall provoke
clinching fists and i have broke

Everything turns to an outbreak of rage
no more emotion could be bottled up and caged
I fall to the floor and I burst out crying
all I feel is me slowly dying

— The End —