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 Feb 2016 Art-Stars
Bella Kiilani
Your time is precious.
Know that, value it, and only give it to those who deserve it.
I'm kin to the caterpillar
hidden within seasonal sac
awaiting destined identity
tucked tightly into darkness
this secret, inscrutable place

Does it know it will become
a delicate creature of beauty?
Does it know it will soon fly?

I wonder...

do I?
I must be a ghost
And that is why only
can see
 Feb 2016 Art-Stars
Tell me
 Feb 2016 Art-Stars
Tell me all your sweetest lies

The ones where there are no goodbyes

The ones where there's a wishing well

And all our cares can go to hell.
 Feb 2016 Art-Stars
Jack Huang
When my best friend died
I was left with almost nothing
My loving words were dried.
and my heart wouldn't sing

We held a speech his sister and I
and we praised him to the skies
there was told not a single lie
in this ocean of silent cries

My words and his ears never met
A lot of kind and unspoken words
I held in my heart of regret
like a nest full of newborn birds

But I woke up in my bed
More lucky than glad
Because my friend was not dead
It was just a nightmare I had

I called him on the phone
And I opened up my chest
To let the truth be known
That truly he is the best.
It takes a lot of bravery to tell the people you love that you love them, but make sure you do! It brings more happiness to tell them while they are alive instead of at their funeral.
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