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Apr 2014 · 264
two weeks
Aoife Teese Apr 2014
you're genuinely sweet-hearted
and you truly want what's best
for everyone that's around you

your hair is quite soft
although i don't know
if you remember how i know that

but i deal with my own problems
in a very different way
than you deal with yours
and i can't tell who is more

i want to hold you and kiss you
maybe once or twice
while i still know you
if you'd let me

but i can't tell if it's a good idea
because the way you act toward me
is the way you act toward
every other girl
(maybe even less)
and i would want to feel special
just speculating
Apr 2014 · 408
melatonin (3:39AM)
Aoife Teese Apr 2014
I don't want to think about you anymore

I can't get the things you said to me out of my head

Please just let me sleep
Why do you regret it?
Apr 2014 · 323
osaka loop line (2:27AM)
Aoife Teese Apr 2014
i believe that a glass is half empty
or half full
depending on which way
the liquid is going
if you fill it halfway
it is half full
if you dump out half
it is half empty

i feel like half of me
has been dumped out
and i can't manage to care
about him or you
all i want to do is hurt myself
"because i probably
have it coming anyway"
and i'm sorry

i know it's a lie
i do care
i care a lot
but i feel so numb
i don't feel care right now
and i'm sorry

and all i want to do
is be drunk
and be touched
and be loved
and i don't know
if it's a good idea
because you are broken and so am i
and i am sorry

and in less than four hours
you will know
exactly how
i am
and i am sorry
i blame myself
Apr 2014 · 413
Aoife Teese Apr 2014
i don't think i could ever be interested in the things that you do with your other friends

willingly taking things into your body to cause you to see things that aren't there

do you know what i would give so that i couldn't see the things that aren't there?

i can't be alone at night without the lights on and the doors locked

because i keep seeing them out of the corners of my eyes

help me please help me

i haven't slept

i don't know who i am anymore

why won't you let me focus on you? they disappear as soon as i look their way

why are they here

what do they want

please help me
"They're probably just stress-induced hallucinations. Unless, you know, do you believe in ghosts?"
Apr 2014 · 1.9k
tequila sunrise
Aoife Teese Apr 2014
you get on my last nerve
you never want to talk to me
you tell me i'm your best friend
then you completely ******* off
for someone better

i really want to hate you
we've been friends for too long
but you never notice when i'm angry
you don't care when i'm upset
you're not there when i need you

but oh god
when you're drunk
off of tequila sunrise
and i'm drunk
off of a margarita
i love the way you want me
i don't think i would want to date you
Apr 2014 · 572
geosmin (2:01AM)
Aoife Teese Apr 2014
i want my perfume
to be your

i want you
to hold me
than you've ever
held anyone

i wish you
were here
to tell me
i will be
i wish you lived closer
Aoife Teese Apr 2014
you said you couldn't
fall in love

did you mean
with me
or someone else?

i would like to think there's
some kind of hope
some kind of light
some kind of love
that we can share
when we are less

i don't want to fix you
but maybe
i can help you
to pick up the pieces
and buy the glue
that i know will work
because i have
used it
to a tall boy who likes spiced ***
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
12 pounds
Aoife Teese Apr 2014
i didn't feel large
until i saw the number
blinking back at me

nothing has changed
since yesterday, except
maybe a pound, two?

deep breaths
in through the nose
out through the mouth
you are healthy now
you are healthy now
you are beautiful
this is a good thing

my thighs touch
(this is a good thing)
the belt of my dress
is pressing
my stomach
(this is a good thing)

i didn't eat breakfast today
Apr 2014 · 257
10:54 PM
Aoife Teese Apr 2014
"you're a sad girl
a man's achilles heel"

it doesn't help.
I know you didn't mean it like that.
Apr 2014 · 348
Aoife Teese Apr 2014
i put the things
you gave me
at the top
of my closet

so i don't have to look
so i don't have to think

i don't love you anymore

(i'm sorry i broke it)
For my locker roommate (it's still awkward).
Apr 2014 · 678
Aoife Teese Apr 2014
i miss
         the smell of your hair
         the texture of your skin
         your arms around my waist
         the music you would play
         the comfort of your bed
         your hand on my thigh
         the safety in your eyes
         the cupcakes on my porch
         your slightly curved spine
         the way you shout my name
         the way you text me where i am
         your fingers around my neck
         the bruises on my ribs
         the pain in my shoulders
         your fists against my skin
about an old boyfriend

— The End —