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  Mar 2015 Anne-L
Amitav Radiance
Being alone is not loneliness
Time we spend with ourselves
Listening to our inner voices
The symphony of the universe
So many things unheard before
A revelation to the Soul that yearns
To taste the purity of this origin
Sediments of chaos settle down
Giving you clarity and pure thoughts
Mind, heart, and soul in concord
Clearer perspective of the truth
Otherwise obfuscated by distractions
Anne-L Mar 2015
I open my eyes
I cry full of joy
Me, who just came out
Of my mum's tummy
Small as I am
Big are my eyes
open to admire
My mum who was smiling
When travelling this unknown world
I discover my family
Excited to see people
I had much first step
In... my ... life
with a SMILE
What is happiness to you? (Assignment)
Originally in French
Anne-L Mar 2015
We are strangers
We passed by each other
I saw your face
I knew your name
But never greeted each other
In the end we will forever remain strangers
Anne-L Mar 2015
People come and go,
Like waves....
Sometimes they stay longer,
Like big waves ...
Other times,
they stay for a shorter amount of time....
Like smaller ones
That is why,
You have to keep moving forward
And try not to get too attached to them
You will drown...

— The End —