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Anna Jul 2014
You stung me
Like the blade I use to carve my arms
You stung me
Like the insults I give myself constantly
You stung me
Like when they left, every last one of them
You stung me
By saying you wouldn't leave, but did anyway
You stung me
Nothing hurts quite as much as when
You stung me
You left
You stung me
You knew everything
But you left
And now I'm alone
just waiting to see if I will heal
Anna Jul 2014
I wish my weight would just walk away
as easily as you did
I wish my scars would heal as fast
as easily as you got over me
I wish my heart didn't ache
as much as my head does
  Jun 2014 Anna
Liz Delgado
I've spent restless nights writing poems to and about you with heavy eyelids; poems you'll never read, poems I'll never have the guts to let you read, poems you'll never even know about.
I've described every single part, perk, quality of you with the most beautiful words I can find in the dictionary because you don't deserve simple, ordinary words.
Even your flaws are beautiful.
And still, I cannot string any of the million words in any language together to describe you or my love for you perfectly.
And I write about you like you sank your paintbrush in a cup of universe and created hundreds of galaxies; like you placed the stars in the sky, neatly arranged them into beautiful constellations.
Here is yet another poem for and about you, written with eyelids as  heavy as the ocean at 3:36 in the morning, after deciding there was no way I could sleep as my mind was still awake and thinking about you- as always.
I hope you went to sleep thinking about me.
  Jun 2014 Anna
Masque De Moriaty
She is a miasma of regret and gin
My resurrection Mary bound by sin

We all have white mice and black dogs
We all have white mice and black dogs

We all have songs we cannot sing
Burdens to bare upon our wings
She is a gilded crown one cannot wear
A ghostly smile, a forbidden stare

Dancing graveyard tangos before mother lune
She swirls and cascades and flies up to the moon
Her smile the jagged blade that ripped her wrist

And yet her shadow still persists

A spectre of memory upon my pealing wall
A heartbeat echoing from beneath the floor
A happiness known only to be ******
Inundated by **** and sand

She comes to me with wailing moans
The intolerable moments I am alone
She comes to me with obscene plans

And how I long to take her hand
To take the claw, take the blade
Bid adieu to sweat and shade
Oh bells and flame and an absence of pain
That endless slumber, oblivion, peace
Where broken girls find sweet relief
To be judged by lord on high, to be saved
To find the comfort I forever crave
To hug once more that girl I loved
Who visits me from far above

But she is a spectre of my dreams
My ignoble suffering, my pain and though it seems
She offers paradise she offers nothing but
She is an absence, a fissure, an empty plot

Where does that ****** maiden dwell?
There is no heaven, there is no hell

There is but this moment now, this moment now

For she is gone, and take note how
She cannot suffer, but nor delight
In warm winds nor the sordid ballet of night
In songs that come from god’s own choir
Or the devils dance of deep desire

Where live your smiles, if not on my own lips?
What persistence have you, if I did not exist?

She is dead
She has ceased to be
While every moment moves in me
Her waters still, mine swarm and flow
Onwards and upwards with any dream to know

So yes I dream of death, for she is sweet
To remember why my life I keep
A toast, a cavalcade of praise and love
I send to thee up high above

But understand why, my darling friend, I cannot follow
For I still long to taste tomorrow
Anna Jun 2014
She cut the flowers from her hair
Because he was never there
He stopped coming around
And she started to drown

He filled the hole inside her head
Like a dog waiting to be fed
She lapped up his pretty words
But she knew she was never cured

She beats herself up with her past mistakes
And as she does his heart breaks
He can't help her, she's too far gone
And so he leaves, quiet and withdrawn
written late at night to distract me from the awful thoughts
Anna Jun 2014
There is something very scary
About sharing yourself
Breaking down your walls
Letting someone in
Letting them see the brokenness of your soul
Tearing away that barrier
Between protecting yourself and lying
The worst part though
Is when you let them in
and they take a look around
And don't like what they see
So they leave
They leave you exposed
All your flaws out in the open
So you have to build your wall again
And wait for someone to want in
You just hope they won't leave too
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