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sancus May 2017
the soft glistening of your eyes
always makes me think you're about to cry,
but then you start to smile and the rain becomes stars,
and the stars become crescent moons
when the thin folds of your skin crease while you laugh.

i'm struck in awe as your eyelids gently flutter,
making me think of butterflies who flit
their delicate wings to latch onto their favorite flowers.
your eyelashes aren't that thick and long
yet they possess the kind of beauty that only you own.

the bags under your eyes are beautiful too,
it's never a flaw, it's a symbol of hard work you've always shown.
your gorgeous irises that displays it's chocolate brown-ness
whenever the sunlight gently kisses your face,
the warmth of their glow melts everyone who catches a glance at you.

your eyes are the windows to
a whole different universe that exists inside of you.
they are the windows to your soul.
oh, how i wish you'd at least want to have a glimpse at mine
as much as i wish to delve into yours.
hjs, i hope your eyes meet mine this second time.
sancus Feb 2017
when i look at the skies, i'd remember you,
and when i close my eyes, i'd still see you.
for when there is darkness, there is you who shines.
sancus Dec 2016
it was strange how your ethereal face,
your innocent smile,
and the sparkle in your eyes
could hide a devil inside.

you've tucked me into a blanket of thorns,
thinking they're sheets of clouds.
you've shown me the stairway to heaven but drove me to the edge,
into an abyss of loneliness and despair.

you're a wolf in sheep's clothing,
a demon under the guise of an angel.

it was strange how your ethereal face,
your innocent smile,
and the sparkle in your eyes
could hide a devil who would be the end of me.
sancus Dec 2016
isn't it fun to
believe in things that aren't
real? fate. soulmates. you.
sancus Dec 2016
you are still tearing
me apart and yet, you are
not aware of it.
sancus Dec 2016
when my heart bleeds ink,
and when my pen sheds blood, please
know it's about you.
sancus Dec 2016
here i am again,
trying to fill the crevices you've left
not on my heart alone,
but on every piece of my being.
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