I don’t really know how much I love you today
but I was so sure you’re the one I love yesterday
I’m not really sure what makes me love you this much
but I swear I’m tired
Let me rest my heart on the white coat float on the quite river,
Please don’t you ever touch the water again it is already quiet enough for me to sleep.
Thank you, thank you for taking me to the roller coaster, it was fun yet scary, wasn’t it?
I know it wasn’t that scary for you,
cause you’re the one that created the road
and me, I am the victim of your ******* roller coaster taking high giving stomach a beautiful butterfly just to drop it harder,
I saw you laughing you saw me puking, that was a very cruel of you.
I knew it from the start,
I saw you coming,
I saw the sunrise coming,
It was warm and embraced me all day
for just a one day
before the storm coming,
the sunrise left me without any permission,
left me with this cold.
I told myself how fool I am to think that the sunrise will stay forever.